My hopes for Ret in Shadowlands

Just find it baffling that DH gets a rework to make it less braindead and more interesting while still being OP when Ret will always be needlessly complicated or faceroll and weak. Someone will talk about how crazy Ret bursts as an excuse to keep it weak even though it’s nothing compared to Fire mage nonsense. Never accept a “more sustained DPS instead of wings” fix. Don’t ever fall for that trap. It will just mean Ret has no damage, not it has the same damage spread out more evenly. It would, at best, mean that your CDs have no effect, your spenders do almost no damage and your weak filler spells do slightly more damage. That’s all that would happen if they even boosted anything at all.

The Bubble Tax is real though. I swear people will act like bubble is the most uncounterable thing in the entire game and that it’s a free win against anything ever, especially as Ret. Then they will meme on Ret paladins endlessly about how much it sucks and how easy it is. Often this will happen in the same thread by the same people.


I’d be ok if we went back to bubble being a full immunity (no change there) but at 50% reduced dmg done IF we get things like mobility, some damage outside wings, selfheals (wog is back hopefully it won’t be trash) and something like cata sacred shield back.


Careful what you wish for

Pretty much every DH ability and system is being nerfed and since there was nothing to unprune with such a young class there are zero new abilities

They basically just took existing Havoc and made it squishier and slower on resource generation

I’ve played Ret since TBC and I’m not happy with either one heading into SL

Dude, did you read them? It’s a crap ton of blues posts explaining how nearly every havoc skill and system is being nerfed or downgraded.

Those aren’t good changes.

Havoc was pretty primo in BFA, not gonna lie, but everything about SL for them is a step down.

You don’t want that kind of attention

Never accept tradeoffs friend. There’s only ever things taken from Ret, never given back. Everyone says “but we’ll get something else instead!” and maybe you would for a patch but if that new or improved thing was in any way good, dominant, useful or viable then it’d be what people complain about instead and it absolutely would be gutted or nerfed and you’d be even worse off for it. It has happened before many times.


Well considering how they keep making druids better i just assume that they have most of the class design team workng on their real hero class druids.

It is very upsetting watching one druid require 8 people to kill. It is disgusting and as mentioned above how people on druids get full length dissertations in response to their post and for ours and others there is nothing.

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Yea, I won’t deny that I am quite biased AGAINST dh, because of that dh overflow in players due to Blizz giving them almost everything, while my own class is treated like the step-child.
I find dh annoying af and won’t cry a single tear if they are finally brought in line with other specs. You have all the mobility, you don’t need all the damage, too. And I’m sure dh won’t be bottom of the barrel, even with the changes.
We on the other hand had to wait til the end of the expac and a specific corruption to somewhat shine.

From my perspective it can’t get any worse for ret. Different kind of bad? Sure. But not worse.


No we aren’t treated as bad as Enhancement Shamans. Enhancement Shamans are the true red headed stepchild of blizzard.


They can at least play elemental if everything goes wrong. I have no other dps spec than ret.
And “not treated as bad” doesn’t mean we are treated good.


No but those that haven’t even looked at Elemental as a spec. Yea…

And i never said we were not treated bad. I was just saying Enhancement is treated worse than Ret paladins. And I did not say anything about Elemental Shamans. So i do get saying Shamans do have a second dps spec. But that has nothing to do with my statement.

THAT’S literally all I said. And inferring I said anything different is wrong. So yea stop trying to make my statement something that it is not.

What makes bubble so good on raids that means Ret has to be trash tier DPS?


Ret isn’t trash tier dps. Why do you base the value and fun you have on a class on being top dps? You’re never going to be told “we don’t want a paladin in our group” when you’ve now got multiple aura and team defensive options again. Paladins of all specs will ALWAYS have a group.

The first tier DK gods will rise, then slowly fall as always. Ret is consistently balanced to be middle of the pack, if not slightly below. Not once since Vanilla has Ret been bottom dps.

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Because I like to compete.

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There has never been an expansion where all classes competed with all other classes. That’s now how balance works. Unless you’d like for there to be only 1 class?

You compete with other Rets. Just as my DK competes for his spot with other DKs. Or at a bare minimum, you compete with those that share your loot table.

By the sound of it, you don’t compete at all, as you’re too busy re-rolling whatever has the highest dps from patch to patch.


Agreed, but we also lack a compelling playstyle and (really) decent utility.

You WILL be told…our Auras are more than underwhelming (even counterintuitive as for Ret Aura) and as said above, we lack good raid/group utility. If we then also lack in damage what’s the point in bringing a (retribution) paladin?

No experienced log analyzer here, but I think warcraftlogs likes a word with you. Shows ret 4th from bottom overall, that’s by no means middle of the pack.
Edit: Sry, wrong, 3rd from bottom for all percentiles, 5th from bottom for 99th percentile.


The extra 6 seconds of uptime you have when your entire raid group has to stop doing DPS for a mechanic but you can safely ignore it.



Playstyle is subjective. Ret DOES have utility. Ret Aura will never be the aura people run in Raids. And most importantly, this is the end of an expansion, and we have tanks with 15 million health doing % damage to bosses. Obviously Rets are not middle right now. Go check back through LITERALLY THE ENTIRE EXPANSION. Middle of the pack. Always.

Funny how it’s always a little pink blood elf thats the whiner.

Funny how certain people always resort to ad-hominem arguments.:slight_smile:

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DH entirely needed the step down, Same thing should happen to destro, rogue and mage to be honest.

They have too many tools compared to other classes, or It’s just because im playing ret that has literally 0 tool and every other class just looks like it has so much tools compared to me.


The utility ret has is extremely niche and if you play in a good group it will be rendered useless, because it is only safety buttons. Where as a DH will be able to always stun the pack of mobs every 40sec, always be able to aoe slow them every 30sec seconds, you even also have an aoe raid utility to save them, you have quick short cooldown 2-3sec stun which deal damage so you’re not punished to use your stun dps wise.

All and all, all your buttons do 2-3 things while ret buttons do only one thing each. That’s stone age design for Ret.