My hopes for Ret in Shadowlands

Thank you so much for your effort.
Yea, Shattering Throw seems a bit…out of place.


No problem. I’ve posted multiple feedback components (not particularly about this) but about other things on the official paladin alpha thread. Lately I’ve seen posts like “why don’t more alpha players post about paladins” and such and I want to say that we’re pretty blue in the face right now. We’ve said the same thing half a dozen times now on that thread, gotten no changes on Alpha and at this point there aren’t a lot of players on Alpha anyway. I expect the July announcement to be a beta date and release date so hopefully more of you can voice the same concerns we have voiced and more.


I’ve seen all of your feedback (checking back whenever the paladin thread gets a new entry), but it’s indeed depressing. On one hand I’d like the alpha testers to flood them with concerns over and over again, on the other hand I know that’s futile. With spriest looking bad and ret looking bad (granted not as bad as spriest) and Frost DK still “tainted” with BoS there really is no need for me to jump into Shadowlands. At this point I don’t think that I will play. Too bad.
And as soon as they announce beta there won’t be more than some number changes that will not save the spec. I’ve been through that for two expansions straight, I cannot stand this for another one.


This is partially why I’m concerned because that has generally been the case and if the July announcement is indeed beta date that means they intended to announce that earlier this month. Meaning, we’re looking for little hope of actual meaningful changes. All the while, druids are getting a full dissertation of feedback concerning a single covenant ability while we still have Ashen Hallow at 4 min cd affecting 1 enemy and ally per tick =\


This is what makes me nervous. Their responsiveness for some classes/specs has been fantastic and not so much for others. I really hope that if a beta announcement is coming next week this is also coupled with a slew of impactful changes for ret and other classes that addressed the main points of feedback they’ve gotten. I’m more anxious than excited at this point for paladin and death knight.

I want ret to feel good the moment I start playing shadowlands, not after I get BiS legendary and massive stacks of haste.


It’s BfA alpha all over again. I didn’t like what they did to ret (and Frost and Unholy DK) in Legion. Then came BfA alpha and I had hopes the devs would listen to our concerns, but all that happened was the mastery change (that was sorely needed) and that was basically it. No impactful new talents, mobility not addressed and so on. And I remember myself hoping every week for some changes yet nothing happened. And this cycle feels exactly the same. It’s beyond frustrating, because I know the devs see all the feedback (either given here on the official forums or via twitter, they do not live in a bubble) and yet they refuse to do anything. Why are they so adamant when so many people ask for changes?
Even if you assume that most players are indifferent or do not care about the state of classes, these exact players wouldn’t care if the devs changed the problems certain specs have. Those players would play anything and the ones that are vocal about changes now would be happy.
That’s why I may appear a bit harsh at times, I’ve been through that one too many times. Normally I’m quite diplomatic but ret is my weak spot.


At least a “we hear your concerns, the team is looking at ways to address them” would go a long way. Instead radio silence until the change happens. I mean I get they can’t reply to everything all the time but a little more communication would help.

the only thing that gives me hope is how they’ve been addressing most of the arms warrior concerns and enhancement shaman


Yea, a common “complaint” every alpha cycle and a valid one.

Makes me rather anxious, because I feel like they are running out of time. I mean, good for shaman and warrior, but I already hear them saying there was no time for a ret overhaul, pls standby for next expac, similar to spriest last time (and even this overhaul didn’t happen to date).

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If this game was not a monthly subscription I could even understand on some level the response of “no time” but it is really not ok to ignore the feedback of players for years at a time when they’re paying 15 a month


If ret keep the piss poor state it is right now I can’t see how i’ll gimp myself voluntarily for yet another expansion and either change for another main after 10years or just quit the game because they don’t want to fix Ret problems and change their core view of ret being the weakest spec in the game just because of an immunity that’s the worst defensive spell in the game since 10years.

Other classes right now are like designed in 2050 and we’re still stuck in the age of stones design wise completely lacking any synergy within talents and our own spells. And all our talents do is bloat even more buttons to do even more singular things separately. Hell they make a new ‘‘burst cd’’ without adding their ‘‘legion/bfa quality of life - gcd trade off effects’’ like most every other burst cd.


If Blizz isn’t careful, the next expac might be better for their competitors then themselves.

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Legion/BFA has already been their own competitors.

Guess why they don’t want to show the amount of active players anymore during their quarter announcements. It’s obviously under 2m.

Can’t let the investors know the competition is in a better spot, lol.

Shadowlands has some promise, but a lot of concerns to go with it. Our class dynamic and how it functions is a big cause for worry right now. Ret is not so great right now and for the most part, it’s more of the same on the alpha with with a couple extra toys thrown in.

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Their main problem is they’re focusing too much on borrowed power systems and the general expansion but not enough on the vehicle we are playing the game with.

How can an expansion be good if the class you play with isn’t fun? You can have the best new gameplay ever via arenas, bgs, raid, m+, but if my spec is not fun i’ll hate the hell out of the expansion and end up quitting your game. I explore and play the game via playing my spec. So make sure my damn spec is fun to play BASELINE first then focus on your other systems.


You got that right. The borrowed power system was a mistake and never should have been a thing with what it’s evolved into.

But some people like it, so now it’s gonna stay for the time being…

If the spec is a wash in Shadowlands, I forsee a cancelling of my sub for another MMO.

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Another build, no substantial changes.
RIP ret.

As a side rant: demon hunters have 28 replies in their thread…that is obviously enough to warrant changes. Paladins have 72 replies, changes where?


They are happy with the Paladins as they are on the Alpha and no changes are coming. They want us to play Prot or Holy and be happy, or just be Buff Slaves as rets; that´s their vision, that we are just sidekicks.

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imagine dh getting changes when its literally a 3 specs buttons for pure casuals, oh right it’s their target audience.


I’d like to see them fix the dead zone ret has. Arms warriors suffer a bit from this as well. No class or spec should be suffering from dead zones. Dead zones in the rotation does not feel good. Why doesn’t Blizzard understand this? I’m not looking to just spam things, but I don’t wanna be standing around doing nothing but auto attacking for like 5 seconds while I wait for my cool downs to come up or something to proc. This is why I play ff14 for class design. Their class design may not be perfect, but at least I’m not twiddling my thumbs just auto attacking and doing nothing because of a dead zone that shouldn’t exist.


What’s funny is their spec is fluid and works and so many of them are still complaining lol.

I feel like DH should be dead last on the priority list of the classes that need help.