My guild my guild is awesome

So many pissed off people in there mid to late 30s when they see a ret in a raiding guild in classic.

I bet they get the same feeling when i hit a judgment and SoC proc for 3k and they just flop


Not at all. I personally would prefer to raid with a group that doesn’t require hours of farming/week to prepare for it, have class racial requirements, and completely excludes some specs for the sake of shaving a few minutes off of raid night.

Ret is an objectively poor performing spec, and I could see warrior or rogue players leave raid groups if they were rolling equally on the same gear. It’s up to the guild/raid to make those decisions.

Just like some raid groups prioritize DPS over healing, and would not let HPals roll on Mageblade, until after the mages/locks had it.

I personally am not raiding for world firsts, or to beat clear times, and am just there for fun, to clear content, for some gear upgrades, and really to experience gaming with my guildmates.

I like the type of guild that has ret paladins, enhance shaman, and even balance druids, provided the people playing those characters are ok with having low meter numbers and the raid is clearing content :slight_smile:

This thread was quite recent:

It would be very interesting to see if what the OP of that thread seems to believe would actually be true.


Holy moly my abdomen hurts with so much laughter.


I’m glad you love your guild and are having fun.

Keep at it!


I see their point, but all the same, the effort and time the Paladin player puts into their class has value, and hopefully, the social friendship you develop with your guild has value too.

To me, it’s a question of showing appreciation for the player always being there and trying to help the guild, not the numerical performance of the class/spec they happened to pick.

Not a big fan of prioritizing loot that way. The people matter more to me than optimizing 15 year old content that we can beat half afk.


Sure. That’s your preference. I am not saying I disagree, but I am not going to go along with the big farce that Ret Paladins are anything but worse performing in all ways than a better spec (or class for that role).

I am so happy you linked me that thread. I wont be reading it but I love seeing lines in random wow posts, because it means you care.

My retribution paladin experence is IM AWEEESOMMMEE.

I have no doubt if i rolled another class i would get free health cookies or free water and I know, it costs me sometimes 1 to 2 gold to acquire said water.
I know if i rolled another class and a player or mob might resist said frost bo errr i mean spell and then i get stunned by a paladin with a fiery mace and fall to the ground. Or my entire toolkit beaten by a spell absorb pot and i run in terror aimlessly with my blinks.

Then I wake up, remember I play ret I dont have to. And in the rare occasion a mage might kill me, I will just divine intervention, use my hearthstone and sleep well in ironforge, knowing I am awesome, with a awesome spec, surrounded by awesome people in my awesome guild.


Then my response to that would be, don’t invite them to your raid at all. If you aren’t willing to give them loot, it isn’t fair to string them along on false hope.


you sir/madam are very wise, I salute greatness.

All the “meme” specs deserve the same shot at gear as everyone else. You hate to hear it but it’s true. Unless you’re min maxing I guess

A shadow priest in my guild got tear last night. :heart_eyes:


Calm down dude let’s not act like Paladins aren’t a decent counter to Mages or that I can bait shields and BoF with a rank 1 frostbolt and kite you around.

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That’s great! It seems like you have a really good group of people in your guild, and are enjoying yourself.

Of course. I’m curious as to who your advice is directed at.

It does nobody any service to pretend that Ret Paladins or Enhancement Shaman will do competitive DPS in a raid setting, or will even be able to find raid groups that will give them equal priority on gear.

It isn’t impossible, of course, but I have yet to see any guild looking for these specs for their raid groups. Fury warriors are often sought, and if someone is leveling in hopes of doing “big damage” in their raid group, let’s not give them false hope that that’s going to happen as a paladin or shaman.

not if i dont use bof my friend. I like salt on my steak however.

Hey, my guild asked me to switch to Boomkin/Balance spec a few weeks ago from Restoration, for a bit more class/spec variety in our raid group, since we had 3 Restorations spec Druids, and too many healers in general on our core raid team. The other 2 weren’t interested, but I opted-in just for the change of pace. Hate how I have to opt for cloth pieces to get any decent dps armor gear though. It is a pretty weak DPS spec in Classic though, and won’t even begin to shine until TBC Classic. Not all guilds are min-max, facerolling try-hards, & just work with what is there & try to have some fun while clearing content.


Nobody in particular. But if the words are read by even one raid leader out there and it causes them to remember that their raid team are actual people, and not just character sheets, it was worth posting.


@cathorist what kinda loot system does your guild use? Just curious

5 manning BWL with 2 rets 2 warriors and a prot is pretty dang impressive. How do you do it without the heals?


i am pretty sure were at the point when we understand that some people, like my guild, just were looking for normal everyday people to enjoy the game with. I think we all figured out that everything is viable and the game is 15 years old. We all know things, basic things, now we didn’t know back in the day. Its the dad elitists that ruins the experience.


Oh certainly, and I really don’t think I’ve stated anything to suggest otherwise. :slight_smile:

Yeah, I personally agree. That’s why I’m not in a raid group where every raid spot is competitive, and every slot is open to those who would perform better…

People are what make the community, and being part of that group is something I personally enjoy. I’d much rather have fun (personally), and spend 20 minutes more a week in MC, than be stressed out about performance, have a couple of hours/week of pre-raid prep, and possibly be replaced if I wanted to play a spec I enjoy and the raid wasn’t clearly suffering for it.

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Chess is much older. So is golf. So are a great many games that some people play more casually and others play professionally.

While I have no disagreements with anything you’ve stated, I do not believe that the length of time WoW has been around suggests that anybody should play it in any way that doesn’t suit their preferences.

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