My group tank quit in MY +5 cause the dps was not as high as he expected

i’m not even angry, but i must say what happened today is really quite disappointing.
I got this +5 on a ilv 480 after doing a +2 with 0 deaths, i do feel like i deserve the upgrade i got.
so the feeling i have when a guy leaves cause the 3 dps are not doing his 500k dps minimum like “you don’t deserve to be here, go back to your kindergarten hc dungeons”, feels quite insulting.


That does seem insulting. Better to ignore that tank and instead join a class discord where you can get more realistic, helpful feedback. (Best case if you log your runs so you can always go back and work through it, and they have logs to review).

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To be fair, depending on why he is there he won’t get the reward he is after so why waste his time. Specifically, you only get 5 wyrms for failed keys instead of 12.

Also, not hitting 500K/3 is pretty low DPS for a +5, especially AOE


it might be low, but it totally doable… it’s not gonna be a braindead chill run but;

Nah, don’t feel insulted. That just sounds like a garbage person.


when I was gearing an alt, I wanted +2 or +3 in a key, and will likely leave if it’s barely a +1. (was doing low keys for crests.)

If the DPS aren’t dying, it’s doable. If DPS are below a tank, it’s an unpaid carry. Even then, even if something goes horribly wrong and someone wants to dip out of they key, there’s no reason for them to insult people in the process.

Who knows, might actually come across the player again – And of course, if anyone says LFG is only strangers, I’ve had plenty of times when I would find a player I recognized in the queues, either as someone I do not like (primarily group leads that would invite me then kick me for not playing Aug) or names that are familiar enough that I know they’d do well.

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At 480 ilvl you should stick with a few more 2s or even 0s and get better gear. Not only is your DPS going to be low, but so is your health pool meaning the unavoidable damage is going to hurt a lot.


There are just some very obnoxious people that play this game. Just block that tank and move on, not much more you can do there.

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Him leaving his garbage especially if no one was dying, however if he left and before said that stuff as quoted he should have his head smashed in a couple times(in fortnite) to restart his brain. :slight_smile:

You care how much people can burst in an aoe pull? Also that is way over the requirements for 5s. You sound like the typical META only types that wants everyone 5 ilvls over the gear you get from the thing you are doing.


Personally I would say go back to M0 or M2, or even normal raids. 480 iLVL in an M5 this season is equivalent to 440 iLVL in an M15 last season, in other words, a fresh level 70 who has done minimal overworld content, some of last seasons low low keys, and some normal raiding trying to do an M15.

Equivalent exchange would be doing an M5 at 500-510 iLVL before pugs will accept you and the only reason you even got a group was because you started your own.

It’s the same problems making a key and joining a key, at your iLVL doing what DPS you can do, some people are going to take note and leave because it’s just not enough to push keys. And some people will check your iLVL before the key starts and leave to not waste time.

People do this all the time joining keys, the only difference here is that you started it, you can invite people to your key, you have a higher chance of the key starting and finishing, but whether it will go well, maybe not unless you bring in some 510+ iLVL players.


I used to have a fairly unfavorable opinion about leaving theoretically time-able keys, but after pugging a bit more than usual lately, I’m more understanding of tanks and healers leaving un-fun keys that drag out and that may be do-able, but will probably not be in time. You end up spending 45 minutes in a run and get 5 crests.

I probably still wouldn’t leave, but after healing quite a few pug keys last week, I now inspect everyone in the group before the run starts. If I saw a DPS in 480 in a +5, I’d leave before the run starts. 480 in a +5 is fine if you play with friends, but not when you play with strangers unless they know it’s a carry.


may i know then, what is a good ilvl for m +5?

i think at this point pugs expect at least 500 ilvl give or take a few

my hunter for example can do pretty reasonable dps from the gate because i came into s4 wearing pretty much s3 bis, but because i was 487 getting invites to anything above a 2 as a dps was rare. and i dont blame them

8s, 9s, 10s were doable week 1 around 490-495 but just because you could doesnt mean you should now

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Probably more by now. My hunter alt with 505 doesn’t even get into 2-4s anymore this week. It’s really sobering how stark the contrast is between my hunter and my shaman (516 and better rating). The PUG experience is much worse for DPS that don’t push right away, even already by week 3. I’m starting to understand why people may quit over this.

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As a tank, I was doing them in high 480 gear at season start.

Thing about PuGs is they tend to want to maximize success, or timing the key, and rating and ilvl are not the factors people think they should be, but they are the only ones most look at when even just a look at raider. io can show who might have actual experience to support their rating.

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Asking for 500k from the DPS individually or for all 3 combined? Because 500k individually is insane.

Asking for 166k individually isn’t that much to ask on the other hand, but leaving and bricking the key because of it is just being a massive prick.

489 and doing +9s week 1.

You can do whatever key people will invite you to.

Was doing couple +6s as Havoc at 476. That was of course me and some friends running our own keys, pugging an additional person or two. I wouldn’t have expected to be accepted into any randoms keys though, despite knowing I’d be able to pull my weight.