My generic list of wanted changes

I can appreciate folks not liking current mythic raiding, but I’m fairly lost on the whole cosmetic thing you’ve got going OP. From my perspective, harder content should give better rewards, and it makes perfect sense to have power associated with it.

Do you feel that mythic raid would benefit enough that it could survive removing its prime reward structure? IMO I don’t think that more of the community would gain interest if it turns specifically to cosmetic.

10 man mythic might help with the community side, personally I think it would harm but I’ve got no hard facts on it.

My true opinion on the subject is they should delete Mythic raiding all together and there should be only 2 difficulties LFR and the raid as I feel it makes items in general feel more impactful. (I would like them to get rid of LFR but that has a less of a chance of happening then what I am already suggesting). But I recognize the want for harder content.
And yes that is basically all pvp has survived for currently and the main reason people push higher M+(cosmetics). But it would have to be really good cosmetics that feel special. Gear feels meaningless currently and ilvl bloat contributes to that imo.
Cosmetic would include things such as mounts and titles not just armor/weps.

Also another note M+ basically already invalidates the superior rewards you get from raiding at this point outside of like the like 3 bosses?.(that probably have bad secondary stats for half the classes…)

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I literally cannot argue with you on lfr lol, it’s here to stay regardless of any opinion! I think one area where we disconnect is that I believe mythic is just as cemented, as long as wow exists, lfr and mythic will exist.

I will however give some push back on pushing m+. It seems very clear to me that many who participate in m+ do so for gear and not just cosmetics. I say this because of the crest system, 16s are now the wild west, because it is the minimum level to get aspect crests. People who never did a 16 before this expansion have now done many. And of course, other key levels have also populated with their particular crest rewards.

Separately from crests, 17s are the minimum key to be on the max gear track, and 17s are HOT these days. People are clearly participating at these levels due to objective power rewards.

Of course there are those who are doing +28s, they are their own breed, certainly more interested in the content than the gear at that stage.

As for your last bit about m+ invalidating raid gear. Blizz did address that by buffing raid gear more, with the exception of particular pieces (usually trinkets/rings/necks), raid gear will generally outperform m+. That being said it wasn’t a pretty solution, they just slapped more ilvl into raids. TBH I don’t even really like that solution, but it is real.

In this exact tier though I think crafted gear outshines just about anything except the last 3 raid bosses. Doesn’t even matter what gear is better between raid and m+ because of that lol. I’m personally content that crafted gear will be a bit weaker next tier.

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I mean I don’t believe they will enact any of the bigger changes I want. But LFR just doesn’t even seem worth to argue about anymore just a dead horse subject at this point.

Gear is always a incentive not arguing that. But there is a lot of people who always goes one step further the 20 all the way up to 28+. They don’t get anything for that outside of cosmetics (or clout? if you are high enough) and you can say there would be a similar thing if there was only 1 raid tier then an additional cosmetic option to do mythic raiding.
I am willing to bet the population that does mythic raiding that gets the benefit from those last 3 bosses is similar to the population that does 22+ currently.

edit: Just putting a reminder, Just because I think it would be better a different way doesn’t mean I am saying you are wrong for enjoying what you currently have if you like it. That is not what I am saying. So random people who come later don’t need ya rant.

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Lol I truly believe that the number of people doing +22s and up is 10x greater than the mythic raid community! People just dont have the time to raid any more, m+ is clearly superior there.

I appreciate that you are at least considering ways to make mythic raid more accessable in your OP. To me, wow is raiding, and I would be very happy to see fresh blood in this grumpy group of old nerds.

Unfortunately, I think gear rewards are required for continued interest, I’ve been high end raiding for many years now, its crazy how many raiders are ONLY gear motivated. Its why theres always loot drama no matter the era lol.

IMO, blizz needs to cut back on trash in raids, helps cut down on time spent. I’d really like the difficulty level to stay the same, I simply havent experienced anything as satisfying anywhere else. But I do recognize that the difficulty being tuned for forever nerds like me is a big part to what makes it so inaccessable.

Also, at no point did I think you were being rude! Totally respectful, no issues whatsoever my guy.

EDIT: just going to toss this random thought in here. Bliz should look into a way to make reclearing raid much more interesting for raiders. Theres a full blown culture of raid logging in basically any higher end guild after prog. Raid retention would likely help more people get into it. Ironically, Fated was a solid example!

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I got to go back to work lol so Ima not be checking on this forum for a few hours unless I forget entirely until tomorrow lol. Either way good chatting.

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