My Gaming Music Redux

Okay - long story short: After noticing duplicate selections in my W10 Music Library (due to creating dupes from my external HD), I went through each one of my library entries and deleted them one by one - gibbering and chewing my fingernails off at the same time - until I had no music left and knowing I must now rip about 20 years of collecting cd’s all over again.

It’s okay - I have all the time I need and am always willing to learn new things - even if it’s the hard way.

So now that I’m getting set up to re-rip, I am wondering if it’s possible to - as I rip -sync the ripping onto my external HD, thereby saving myself the trouble of messing up again and creating dupes of all my music.

The second part of my question: How do I add NEW music to my external HD? Will the external hd, just “know” that what I’m adding is new, or must I format and start all over?

I will save you the trouble of asking: Yes, I really am this dumb.

But I’m grateful for all the help I get: both here and in-game.
