My friends

I am in dire need of assistance. This season continues to drag on and my son continues to get worse and worse… His sickness is ravaging him… The cure… Demon Hunter buffs.

He’s losing it, he was a 2900 god with his tongue on the scroll wheel. His ADHD helping him to curve stomp in arena…

Now… He is broken, lost, in tears.

He’s been hardstuck 1650, melee cleave runs him down… The occasional caster, merely waits out darkness and kills him.

I don’t know how much longer he’ll last… He’s close to rerolling to Fury Warrior… But by then it’ll be too late. Help please, Blizzard, I beg of thee. As a professor at your own University of Dalaran I warn you… DH cannot stay like this.

My son is recovering his hand from the freezer, I haven’t told him he can’t sow it on yet. So hurry… Run fast and be swift blizzard. My son has integrity he has yet to sacrifice to continue playing DH.


The class was never finished.

The time for your son has come. Ascend, Professerx Junior.


A myth

A man

A legend

He will never be forgotten.

His son will herald the second coming of DH.

He sounds Swole af