My friends are lvl 20 ish and I haven't played yet

Looks like their plan worked.

I’m betting there will not be any server transfer facilities until realm populations are settled. You’re in for the duration at this point. If you insist on playing on one of the mega-realms, you’re in for hours of queue each time you want to log in.

You can always play on a lesser populated realm now, then transfer over later once the dust settles. Who knows, you might find new friends to play with as you’re levelling.

sounds like someone needs to go back to Fortnite.

When I started playing in Vanilla because friends got me playing- they were already level 30… 50… even a few at 60.

So what? They’ll be a bit ahead of you. Maybe you get in next week for the first time and queues have died down as tourists leave. If they’re your friends- they can power you through things, get you good levelling gear using their professions, get you bags, etc…

Not really that big a deal.

Then again, to quit after a few days like this… seems like you were a tourist anyway, and weren’t going to last long- so maybe it’s best you leave like this, since you can’t handle Vanilla.


Yeah, easy to blame the friends for congested servers. re-rolled for the 4th yesterday only for Benediction to jump to high in the first 5 hours.

My RL friends and I moved together until we got into a server with no queue, and been having a blast ever since. Sounds like your RL friends are just selfish. :woman_shrugging:

Don’t give up yet. Maybe a couple of your friends would be willing to re-roll with you. There’s always a few people who don’t like the choices they made and want to start fresh. Also, keep in mind, you will level faster than them and catch up eventually!

My friends didn’t want to move off of Whitemane to a lower pop realm. I wanted to play the game, not play the queue timer.

Now I have new friends.


another “I want to be a victim and spread Toxicity” thread. How cute!

I think caxtren is right. People complaining for no reason, everyone has waits to get in classic now.

Congratulations on having friends! :slight_smile: Here’s some tips:

  • Always hang out at their place, not yours. That way they can’t drink your beer.
  • Time your vacations to be out of town anytime one of them moves, else you might have to help.

Good luck! :tada:

Well, roll elsewhere. Ask your friends to reroll with you.

Question: if you are waiting 12 hours in queue…aren’t your friends waiting the same amount of time?

Do they play in the morning and you in prime time? If so, how are you going to play with them anyway?

Can’t imagine you are the only one in the group that gets that long of a queue.

Our work schedules are not the same, they get home 2 hours before me, I’m usually able to catch up when they logoff to go to bed.

Haven’t sat in a single queue since I started playing

I mean I’m glad they’re doing transfers, it’s obviously needed, but saying every single server is full with a queue is factually false

still no queue since release :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: