My feedback on classic beta test

Had to get up at 2 am to even make a character. Made a human and after 10 minutes logged off and made a night elf - human area is still impossible even after an hour to complete the first quests.

Got my night elf to lvl 5 within an hour. I always enjoyed leveling up new character so really it wasn’t all that different. I should add when I was writing this I was thinking prior to zone scaling - don’t like zone scaling at all have tried it, and I don’t like it, so don’t level new characters anymore on live.

When I was leveling characters they always had to earn all their own gold because I enjoy that process - so again beta classic was nothing different.

Having more of a need for that currency and having to make choices between training might be a good thing but it didn’t seem all that difficult to get enough. Yes level 5 might be different later on.

My night elf rogue actually felt like it was easier to kill things in classic than it is live - why I don’t know - maybe I am actually having to hit things less.

I started playing later wrath and after CRZ hit and I got put into the Chicago PvE CRZ group which made making new characters impossible because of exactly the same mob competition as classic I stopped leveling characters in that CRZ grouping.

Overall the game isn’t different to me just more time consuming. I pick up the quest and the first thing I think is they have even this time gated, i.e. the slow scrolling appearance, and no one is complaining about it.

I always wondered why there is so much hate for BfA because it really isn’t all that bad. I tend to think classic is exactly the same phenomenon happening but the reverse.

Yeah that quest text thats time gated? In the menu options you can turn on instant quest text. I find alot of the time when people say “time-gating” they are actually referencing “idiocy-gating” or “lazy-gating”. Also see “cant be bothered-gating”.

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Yes well I didn’t know there was an option to give me instant quest. It just felt like a built in time waster.

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A completely optional one. Play with the menu. Always the best thing to hit up in any game.

Lol when I finally got in TB starting area had 5-6 hoggers patrolling when I zoned in died 3x while that dammed text was scrolling before I remembered auto quest text was an option :man_facepalming::man_facepalming:

I now appreciate all the patch work and upgrades over 15yrs. “Classic” is for ppl that have time to game run (literally). I love the neo version over the Retro (tedium)!