My Feedback after leveling to 70 in WoW Remix MoP

After hitting level 70 on my first WoW Remix MoP character this morning, I figured I’d provide some feedback based on my experience and perceptions of this event beforehand.

Dungeons are not a viable way to level as I found out there is no dungeon XP bonus once you kill the final boss when using the dungeon finder to queue for a dungeon as there is in retail.

I sometimes like to mix it up while I’m leveling to break up the monotony and maybe meet some new people, but it wasn’t a very fun experience. There is some tuning issues going on at the moment, so some of the bosses were hitting like mack trucks.

Doing raids or scenarios as an XP path after level 25 isn’t viable either. That was not really a viable option in retail either, but I see this as another missed opportunity to change things up a bit and give more incentive to do other forms of content other than stat locks of rings, trinkets and neck pieces behind achievements.

I found out early into my leveling experience that the cape was not a 1 to 1 transfer to alts like I thought it would be. Maybe I’m gullible and didn’t do enough research ahead of time, but all of the build up and hype behind this event made it sound and feel like it was a way to have uncapped XP and powers transferrable to your alts to give more incentive to level characters in a fast and in most cases, OP fashion.

So it appears that XP is capped at 100% bonus for your alts upon unlocked the 12th rank of Infinity while acquiring the needed threads for your Cape, which for that rank is 4400. I was able to hit the achievement at around level 69, so at least there wasn’t extra farming necessary to attain that.

Most of the stats and XP does not transfer over to alts cloaks as I had anticipated it would. Maybe that’s a, “me” issue and what I get for assuming, but it was quite disappointing when I found this out.

Some other bits I noticed during my time from 10 to 70 is how time consuming it is to have to change your gems every 2-3 minutes due to having new gear upgrades after virtually every quest you turn in. It was fun the first 5-6 times getting all of these new gems and abilities to socket and experiment with, but it’s an unnecessarily cumbersome addition to the gearing process that should’ve been done better.

Quest items disappearing after someone picks them up. Since they didn’t implement the technology until WoD, if someone picks up a quest item you need X out of 10 for, you have to fly around aimlessly looking for them to respawn and if you’re in a saturated area, it can become frustratingly tedious.

Some of the quest mobs are bugged and making it impossible to complete the zone’s campaign as they are unkillable and stuck in a frozen state.

Locking many things behind Normal or higher difficulty of Raiding such as +12% XP per raid boss kill, achievements to unlock certain item slots such as the neck can’t be done in LFR.

Feels like unnecessary restrictions for what should be a casual fun experience for all game player types. Some people suffer disabilities and can’t do content above LFR, I know many, I have several auto immune diseases that impact my reaction time so I am more comfortable in an LFR setting, so some of these unlocks aren’t for me.

Once again, probably a, “me” issue and not on the whole spectrum, but this is my feedback as I perceive it, not offering it as factual, but wanted to get some of these critiques off my chest.

This event feels like it is restrictive in many places, the bronze drop rate is miniscule even if you decide to mindlessly frog farm for hours on end (which I did for an hour), not enough benefit for alts (restrictions again), just feels like there was SO much potential to do this right, but feels like Blizzard decided to say, “No, you are NOT allowed to have too much fun.”

It’s a three month event, why have such hard caps in place at such paltry amounts when NONE of it is being carried over to our main accounts when the event ends? None of the powers, ilevel, abilities, XP bonuses are coming with us, so why stymy our fun with these needless and ridiculous shackles?

My conclusion can only be one thing and that is to assume that the reason is because of level 70 boost sales. If the cape progress was a one to one ratio, most people wouldn’t have a need to purchase a boost for 3-4 months unless they needed that level 70 today for current content.

I remember during the Legion pre-patch people were leveling at a SUPREMELY rapid pace. Blizzard stepped in and temporarily restricted it until enough people complained.

I remember during the first Alterac Valley XP event years ago that once the event came back a second and third time, the XP was SEVERLY nerfed into the ground.

My conclusion is events that are time limited should be a safe space for us to go ham and be OP in power, XP and all that jazz. It’s only for 90ish days, I don’t understand the needless restrictions on our, “fun”.

I’m not going to call it bait and switch advertising like I’ve seen some do on here, but the advertisements for this event leading up into it especially while on the PTR DID make it feel like it would be uncapped powers and XP for our alts based on what our first character did and subsequent ones.

Perceived maybe just be a, “me” issue again, but when so many are saying some of the same things over and over, it can’t just be needless whining into the void, could it?

The event is fun, I enjoyed it, but I won’t be going at it hardcore like I would’ve if the restrictions weren’t in place.

Blizzard asks us for Feedback, well, here’s mine. :slight_smile:

TL:DR Yes I know, this is a mountain of text, feel free to bypass it and tell me I’m a whiner, I’m fine with that.


Makes no sense to me. Time limited event for 10 year old transmog, mounts, and leveling alts. The sweat required for the mounts and transmog is early shadowlands level of sweat. On top of that the bronze requirements for upgrading the gear is just insane to me.

The cloak should transfer 100% of the power. Gear upgrades should be like 5 bronze each. It’s not fun when everything is a damage sponge and solo scenarios nearly let me use 2 bloodlusts on the same boss.


Why is a 1-36 upgrade system doing in a 3 months alt leveling event?

who was the soulless bastard who think grinding bronze coins just for be unable to exist at level 70 was a good idea?


I got things to do in retail, fun to be had in SoD. Was going to mess with cataclysm but no time.

Let alone real life stuff…

36 level upgrade system in a 3 month event? Burning all the currency I farmed for a mount and transmog event for maybe 2 upgrades per item??? I really wonder what dev actually thought this was a good idea.


This event is a scam. I made a character for event cause i though it would be an easy way to finally get the tusks of mannoroth after over 8 years of lock out farming. it was lie. This mode has been a nightmare. a group of 70s should be able to mindlessly unga bunga everything with no trouble, Instead we’re all dying horrible in 2-5 hits.


Blizzard once again missed the mark.


I absolutely agree with you !

My tough exactly, I think at first the people who design the MOP remix did want to do the fun things, but then Corporate was like" No way José we need that money from the boost chars"

This is a big L from Blizzard but their overlords Activision Microsoft needs the money from the chars boost!! So no fun for you


Thx for all the feedback. My “main” DH is only 30 and i really thought the cloak powers were 100% transfered.
I might go max lvl on just 1 other alt after, i needed draenei and trolls lvled for heritage, might lvl them through normal means instead of event


Its honestly disgusting the cost of upgrading gear. World Boss mounts and raid mounts are just shy of 40K, but upgrading ALL my gear just 1 additional tier (which its required to upgrade it ALL gear 1 tier at a time) seems like it was 20-30K!

The gear should be the last thing to be so pricy. Not saying Blizzard should change it, but I honestly thought the Big Ticket items would be 100K and upgrading your gear would be dirt cheap so you could beat things up faster to grind faster, that is what I thought was the “draw”.

There is no draw. In fact, level scaling screwed over any potential “power” it feels like I have. If I dont get procs then it feels like I do nothing, and that doesnt feel great at all while I am getting my face beat with bricks every 2 mob pull.


The constant gem shuffle is terrible while leveling. The entire gem system is clunky, slow and overly expensive (if you buy more gems)


The only thing I appreciate about this event is a chance to do the mop rep grinds I missed by not playing and have them transfer via warband. I honestly think that that’s all I am going to do.

It’s also ridiculous to have to grind a whole bunch of meta achievements to have a complete set of gear. Unless this scales to the point where I can solo farm everything, it doesn’t seem like it’s worth it to me


I can deal with most of the issues, but yeah, the gem/cog reset thing is a kind of a bad system. Gems should just be like in a tab that you can put in gear as you acquire higher level gems. Scrapping the gear should just return the value of the base gear. That would make things much easier and less of a pain to change out.


I cannot complete townlong steppes because you need to kill an elite after you shot it down and even flying right down someone else already killed. you need to sit there and wait endlessly for someone else to finish the last quest to shoot it down. as you cannot restart quest or reshoot it down.

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The gear upgrades is what really got to me. Why, in a limited time event, do I need to spend all of my bronze, that I farmed for the new cool cosmetics that are explicitly remix rewards, on armor upgrades instead just so I can survive content now that I’m 70?


I am stuck in the same place.

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i def agree about the gems. doesn’t help that the gem interface is 18 yrs old at this pt.

also, some of these quests still have the same bugs that they’ve had since 2012.


It’s ridiculous, a lot of the mythic mogs don’t even look good the mounts are okay but I can live without them. I don’t even find leveling that fast in remix, in a way, I sort of feel lied to


The cloak’s stats not being account wide is a straight up lie from Blizzard. Specially when it said they WILL be account bound in this video.
WoW REMIX: Mists of Pandaria | Overview and Features (


Agreed with the OP.

This is a time-limited, ostensibly “fun” event… there was ABSOLUTELY NO REASON for Blizzard to go all-in on the progression model that plagues retail and classic. No reason whatsoever. We did not need yet another game mode requiring intense time dedication; we needed something to pass the next three months until War Within, if we’re not interested in rehashing raids.

The vast majority of players are in this for cosmetics and light entertainment. Even the ones who want those Tusks of Mannoroth, they’re here for the cosmetics. I can tell you what we’re NOT here for: endless grinding of more bronze for more upgrades to gear that will be removed from the game in 3 months.

Blizzard game managers keep learning the wrong lessons from this. You do not need endless grinds to keep players engaged. Many of us are here for the nostalgia factor; I’ve been having fun just going through all the zone stories for the first time in over a decade. But I’m dreading hitting 70 in just a few levels, what with all the scaling issues, and the more I have to keep an eye on my level and the things I need as COSMETIC REWARDS, the less fun I’m having.

Just cut it out, Blizzard. Seriously. Most of us aren’t ever going to upgrade our gear that we’ll lose by September. We just want to have fun.


One of their main selling points for TWW is essentially account-wide every thing.

For all the talk they’ve done about wanting to respect players time, they certainly implemented mechanics into this game mode that screams to me quite the opposite.

Bronze not being account bound Is baffling to me. One of the selling points they tried to put at the forefront was being able to level alts at a much faster and more powerful pace. It actually hinders you if you spend time on alts if you care anything about either progressing a character’s power or getting enough bronze to unlock everything that you want.

If you want to have rings, trinkets, and a necklace You have to do the achievements on each individual character as that too is not account bound.

I mean, I just literally re-watched a preview on their YouTube video from about six days ago, where it shows them saying that power from your cloak would be transferred to your alts, and it shows nearly 200 XP on the cloak.

Last-minute changes to make it feel less rewarding and more of a chore just feels so ridiculously backwards to me.

This is one of those game modes where it could’ve been an easy win for Blizzard, but even they somehow found a way to take most of the fun out of it and make me type out a novel. Lol

This isn’t me trying to just whine about every little thing incessantly, but this game mode was supposed to be a fun romp experiencing a bit of nostalgia and getting to feel overpowered and levelling alts at a blazing fast rate, and after having to 70, and It feels like a chore that I really don’t want to do right now and that’s disheartening to me.

I know that they will eventually make it more enjoyable to play with hot fixes here and there, buffing this and that, but it shouldn’t have to come to this, so I guess now I have to wait about a month until It’s a bit more optimal and not as much of a chore.

I didn’t play their previous game mode Plunderstorm, but I saw how that went, and how they hot fixed and buffed everything towards the end of the event when most everyone was already done or didn’t care about it anymore. You think they’d learn by now.