My favorite things to do in WOTLK was

To be in a group using dungeon finder, and like if the tank or someone was being rude or elitist I would vote to kick them, but write in that it was for me, the lowly dps, and half the time it would pass because they didn’t fully read who it was kicking. Happened so many times and it was the funniest thing I have ever seen.

Or, i’m not even sure if this was during wraith or not but on my rogue at some point I would sometimes cast tricks of the trade on a warlock or hunter and then pop all my cd’s and get him one shot. One time I remember they kicked a hunter for pulling too many times and it was because my tricks of the trade! lmao.

I also thought it was super cool when an overgeared warrior would zone into a random heroic with shadowmourne and would pretty much solo the entire dungeon. Easiest loot ever.

Also, being able to aquire an entire set of PvP gear just by pvping was great, the honor sets I mean. And SOTA was actually one of my fav bg’s. I liked being able to shadowstep the cannons, and sometimes sprint carry bombs and c9 the entire game. Wasnt this bg in wraith? idk, but whenever it was, it was great.

So many good memories, right before they ditched the talent trees and hauled holinka over from diablo for no reason. The days of ghostcrawler were blessed days indeed, can’t wait for WOTLK classic.


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thats some grade A griefing right there, probably my fondest memory was healing an ICC 25 on my priest alt, and i guy i hated was being a ret pally in the raid, but he forgot that it was my alt healing him, i made a game with all the other healers, nobody snitched, the game was, every time he died, they all got 10g each (low bots/gold farmers in these days, that wasn’t a small amount of gold even in late wrath), he was FREAKING out, the toxic little spastic was raging, the healers went from bored and silent to far more engaged, chatty and having fun than they normally do, it cost me like 1k gold, worth every copper, was both fun and satisfying.

That and absolutely demolishing as enhancement shaman, the class tied for highest dps skill cap in pve content with feral druids, soooo much fun and rewarding hard work, soo few players could utilise the class correctly so i was a freakin unicorn running about, i’ve been resto for most of the game thus far, but ill be switching to enhance in wrath.


Best thread today :popcorn:


My favorite thing to do in Wotlk was hang out in Wintergrasp and harass people.

Here is video evidence of my crimes:


Yah can’t wait for lfd guild runs and then vote kick the pug so guildie gets loot

This! So much this! When we would lose Wintersgrasp I would hide on the other side of the wall on my undead shadow priest. When someone would go up to the vendor I would dot them up and global them, watching them run in circles until they died.

Good times. :imp:

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When I was in a random LFD group with a jackwagon, I would make a game out of trying to let that person die while keeping everyone else alive. It was harder than it sounds because I couldn’t keep my PoM from jumping to them.

This is exactly why I do not like LFD/LFR. No consequence for being a troll.

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Best trick was to use the christmas toy rocket car to drive through the lava along the side that leads up to Sarth and back pedal when you get close til he aggros, then immediately rocket boost forward back into your group.

Either he gets pulled and wipes your group, or he gets pulled and despawns if he smacks your car and you don’t drag him far enough, either way it freaks people out.

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Cool story, brah.

Thank you for playing a small part in making this game an overall worse place to be.

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I can see the OP choose to BE the toxicity they wish to see in the game.


I used to fly into WG when alliance had the zone and land on the wall above the vendor and put my circle inside the tower there. I would blow people up when they were browsing lol it was some of the best mayhem I’ve ever caused.

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I used to sit in al karad back in the day on runescape as well and spam close the door on people at the furnace until they fixed it to where it gets stuck after a number of times. People with bad lag couldn’t get past me, I was the guardian of the door.

I think that door is permanently open now. On Runescape I used to use my cat to kill rats people were splashing on, because the cat took priority over the combat. They would get so mad and go run off to spiders and stuff it was good fun.

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I loved when someone like OP voted to kick me as tank, and suddenly everyone would stop and kick him because he was being a jerk to the tank carrying the group.

I was a tank in most of Wrath on a pally and DK.

I had the best gear the game could provide so I didn’t really care what the dps was doing

One thing I did do, though was make sure everyone that didn’t have a bronze dragon mount would get one if I got the dungeon and not allow the skip.

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Looks like most of your fun is to harass other players. Bully mentality. Seriously, You guys need therapy.


A little trolling is healthy every now and again. Like, sometimes in Overwatch I play DPS mercy or I play flanking reinheart. See, some of us grew up during the age of mad TV and south park, companies didn’t virtue signal either, it was a different time, a based time, both in culture, and in gaming. That’s part of the nostalgia people have when they remember the late 1990’s and the early to mid 2000’s. Excellent music, excellent games, excellent everything pretty much.

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