Doomhammer: Nothing beats the OG. After he disposed of the tyrant Blackhand he led the Horde to glory and formed them up into a unified army to march against the alliance. If he hadn’t lost the war due to betrayal from Gul’dan and his loyla fanatics the Horde would rule Azeroth now unstopped. It was sad how he died but Blizzard was keen on handing the reigns to the new generation of Orcs under Thrall. I will honor him always and hope he gets his own statue in Orgrimmar one day.
Grommash: Another of the OGs here obviously since without him the Orcs would still suffer from the blood curse. He was a fine fighter just like Doomhammer but he never got his chance to duel the sons of Lothar on his own when the Warsong Clan got stranded on Azeroth. At least he got his own monument but I feel like Thrall is doing very little to honor the heroes of the past from before his ascension as warchief for some reason. I wager the Clan stays in Ashenvale as long as the lumber problem isn’t solved.
Kilrogg: Despite the dwonfall of the Bleeding Hollow this man went toe to toe with Danath and provided Ner’zhul all the time he needed to finish the ritual. Next to Thrall this is also the only family still alive from the original chieftains aka warlords of the Orc race before Draenor was destroyed. Apart from that his leadership was the reason his clan survived alliance hunting them down and they managed to make Khaz Modan heel. It is a shame the original layout of Lord of the Clans never manifested and we got that book instead. Sad story but the ending could have been much worse.
Ner’zhul: Man had the actual right idea to leave Draenor and Azeroth for good and find a new world for the Orcs where the natives are weak and can be easily defeated. Original Elder Shaman of the Horde before Drek’thar gained influence. A wasted opportunity for the Orcs at large but the story of scourge couldn’t exist without him. Maybe he can find peace now that the Jailer is gone.
Kargath: A legendary warrior so scary even alliance leaders are afraid of merley hearing his name. He went out like a total boss and I had hoped we weren’t needed to kill him. Maybe what remains of his army can now be reintegrated into the real Horde IF the fel Orcs of his clan weren’t 100% killed somehow. Nice dude. Great legacy. I still believe it was a mistake to have his clan become nothing but rogues.
Thrall: Well you knew he was coming so here he is. He is pretty basic and the last formal leader the Orcs have left now that Blizzard killed almost all of them. I have no strong feelings for him he is just there. I don’t think he will rise to warchief again so let us just enjoy that his family is doing fine by now.
Fenris: We know almost nothing about him except that he disappeared when Draenor exploded. He is not officially dead so with luck he will show up eventually and lead what remains of his old clan and helps them to recover.
Garrosh: A big doodoo head with no redeeming qualities. I don’t care for bad excuses anymore since he did everything possible to make the world and the rest of the Horde hate him for good reasons. If he ever actually listed to the other leaders he might didn’T become a war criminal but here we are.
Gul’dan and Blackhand: And at the bottom line we are now, The worst of the worst. They were as evil as you can get and were basically nothung more but power hungry puppets of the Burning Legion who enslaved the other Orcs on a power trip. I hope they rot in hell for all the damage they did.
Honorable mentions:
Tagar Spinebreaker(nver got a quest to kill him so…)
Teron Gorefiend first Death Knight
Zuluhed(no dragons without him)
Saurfang(He said he cares about honor but in the end he just led another Wrynn king to the gates of Orgrimmar).