My fault, but this could be improved (honor gear in new season)

I didnt cap my honor like i was supposed to. Actually i did but stupidly spent some a week ago (dont remember what) and the new season caught me off guard.

Yada yada yada, i bought what i could, but my ilvl is too low to queue solo shuffle. And while i like that theres an ilvl floor, cant we just find a way to get people the honor set more easily?

I dont have a good excuse but it seems like a barrier we dont need. Whats the argument here? I come back after a year and need to “relearn PVP” in the Battlegrounds?

Sell the honor set for either honor or gold.

Cant you play Blitz? You get scaled up to 511, get Vault honor and conquest.

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I am, and ive added 3 pieces of gear since my initial buy, but that ilvl moves up slowly. I had 6/7k honor to start, and got most of the set. At this point im missing (iirc)


Still cant queue for SS

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Yea, SS has been requiring a minimum ilvl of “honor gear ilvl”. I thought they’d do the scaling from Blitz.

I hope Blitz will not have a minimum when it becomes rated.

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What do you mean by scaling?

For blitz the minimum ilvl is like 350ilvl and you still get scaled to 511ilvl.

For Solo shuffle you use your own ilvl and the minimum is honor ilvl.

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Oh i see what you mean, yeah it probably should but if theyre not going to, just make the gear cheap.

They need to be careful with scaling in rated content.

Otherwise, we’ll end up in a situation where players are purposefully using lower level items for some slots because they’re OP when scaled up. For example, players might use set bonuses from previous raid tiers.

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Yea I think that was their reasoning in season 3 to be a minimum of 312 ilvl, which is 100% Dragonflight gear.

Now they could do something to prevent season1,2,3 Tiers to be used in later season. Mixing Tier set could be beneficial for some spec.