My experience in first 2 games solo

Ok first game, Immediately land kill a few things loot a chest, first fight. I cant even hit the guy it visibly looks like i’m hitting him. Meanwhile he throws smite at me and it goes way to my right not even close to me and does damage. I end up dying to this guy without hitting him once even with melee.

2nd game Land kill a ton of stuff going pretty good get a bunch of 4 star spells. Until im met by 2 highmountain taurens who look the same and are teaming in solo… Neither one of them got first despite cheating. I reported them both but I doubt it will do anything as the only options are hacking or botting I just selected hacking and wrote teaming in solo


its because this gamemode is heavy depend of the lag

Try not to overthink it. It’s a trash game mode that looks like it was created during a high school project. Combat is clunky and totally inconsistent. Animations are off. RNG plays a major factor early on. You’ll get third partied a lot.

So it hasn’t gotten any better since the first time? Not surprised