My damage is terrible

can someone please help with my pathetic damage numbers. I go into mythics and get crushed be pallies that are lower levels than I am. what in the heck am i doing wrong?

Time to practice your rotation on dummies, there’s nothing really wrong that I can see in your talent that would explain a massive damage disparity.

You are specced into Improved Blade of Justice which is a trap talent. Swap it for Holy Blade. Having 2 charges of a spell doesn’t increase the amount of casts you make per minute of that spell, and if it does it means you bloated your rotation to begin with. [Edit: removed a moot point]

Heart of the Crusader is also like only a 2% boost. Consider putting that talent point into Vanguard of Justice or (1/2) Highlord’s Judgment.

Everything else in your build I think is dealer’s choice, but I recommend taking multipliers on your Holy Power Spenders when possible.

Here’s my Fortified Week build:

You also don’t have any embellishments on your gear. Consider getting Frostfire Legguards of Preparation, Shadowflame Armor Patch, or Elemental Lariat.

Finally, the trinket makes a massive difference. Might of the Ocean has 1.5 minute cooldown. You should look for a trinket that has a 1 minute cooldown to use with Avenging Wrath, or a 2 minute cooldown to use with Crusade. Else, there are also strong passive trinkets you can seek out as well. Keep this in mind for Season 4.

Isn’t Holy Blade usually used for Templar Strike builds though?

The value of the talent isn’t increased casts, it’s increased flexibility. This is why it’s usually paired with Crusading Strikes. With a second charge it can help fill in the Crusader Strike-less gaps in the rotation without losing value due to missed cooldowns. With a Templar Strikes build, however, it’s Templar Strikes that serves as a filler and having second charge of Blade is unnecessary.

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This is really good advice. 1.5 is probably the worst CD for a Ret trinket to have

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I’m more curious how you’re timing 23+ mythics if you’re claiming to have low dps.
I’m aware people buy carries… I had a friend that would go out of his way to spend millions of gold for carries and had no idea how to play his class… high ilvl/rating, low skills.
I’m going to assume thats the case for you? Just play the game, build muscle memory with a good rotation and focus your build around your set bonus.

If you don’t get increased casts from the talent, then receiving half as much holy power from it is a net detriment. You perceive that your rotation would be unsaturated without more Blades of Justices, but the reality is you’d just have more Final Verdicts or Divine Storms, which have more damage-per-action. Holy power per unit time is a major metric to consider when trying to optimize your damage.


You need better trinkets. Might and Rezans eye are not great for M+ and while I’d give trinket advice, all of it will likely change in a couple of days with the new season.

Improved blade of justice is perfectly fine, a lot of top-rated rets use that talent.

Best advice I can give is to watch vids or streams. Qrva streams regularly and answers questions. The other is to also search RIO and see what the best rets are doing/using. Keep in mind that Qrva runs with a comp that has a hard target cap so he doesn’t take DA over searing light.

Learn to sim your character with raidbots to figure out which upgrades will be the biggest ones for you.

Lastly, practice your rotation, hekili can help you out while you get better until it becomes muscle memory.

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Having 2 charges doesn’t increases the amount of casts per minute beyond the first. Unless you have a way to reset the cooldown of said ability. Which Ret does. Because the remaining cooldown carries over into the second charge.

Say your ability in question has 10 second cooldown and can reset on a proc. If the ability has 1 charge and it has 5 second remaining cooldown when you get a reset you removed 5 seconds of its cooldown. Half a charge of the ability.

In the same scenario with 2 charges you gained 1 full charge on a reset, or 10 seconds worth of cooldown reduction. Leading to more casts.

This is all assuming Ret isn’t GCD locked, which a lot of Ret builds are. Only the literal slowest one isn’t and even then it’s only outside of wings.



use these talents… embelish your gear… frostfire legs/blue-silken lining… use your CDs basically everytime theyre up - we have 1 minute CDs no need to hold them in most cases

I use imp blade of justice, just like literally 50/50 of the top 50 ret paladins…

That’s not true for BoJ because it has a reset mechanism in AoW.
Beside, contrary to Judgement, BoJ hits “hard” baseline (stronger than base TV) and it helps the rotation not feel empty with CSAA.

Otherwise you’'d be right.

Also this


i just play, never look or ask for carries. My dps always seems to be lower than another pally with the same level or at many times lower level. Its probably just me looking for too much.

Too many points in mastery. Its a dead stat rn