My customized UI is completely BROKEN now

There’s already an update available through WoWup. Ready in less than an hour after the servers went back live. quitcherbritchen.

Exactly right? I mean the base game has so many implemented things now, people who use 3rd party dont even realize it. The rest is unneccesary at this point.

I mean the addons now are near “cheating” levels already.

Welcome to patch day

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Many have already said it, but thats what you risk using an all in one addon like Elv, accept the risk if you use it, and move on. They will patch it soon enough if it wasn’t already.

I love the accusation that Blizz is updating their UI specifically to break UI addons. Are they just supposed to not ever update the base UI? That sounds awful.

Addons break on patch day. News at 11

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Did you update elvui? There is a new release. I have no issues at all with anything being broken.

Also always make sure to back up your WTF file anytime you make UI changes so you can always revert or copy paste if stuff breaks. I also keep it on an external in case my drive crashes.


And this is why I am eternally grateful for the new updated Blizzard UI

ElvUi did a second update. Just update and it should be fine. Mine was super messed up until I updated again.

It’s still not good enough for me, personally. They have a very, very long way to go before it reaches that point. Which also means it’s very likely it won’t ever happen.

Note that if you’re on a Mac, your UI may be extra broken. (it’s a Blizzard issue, not an Addon issue)

You must be new here. Lets give you an introduction.

Blizzard does patches. Patches break add ons.

Wait for add on to be patched, then play.

Always a good idea to never play on patch day unless you don’t mind potentially broken things.

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Friendly reminder

Addons are not blizzard controlled, they are not done by blizzard nor are they created by blizzard. Addons are passion projects by players, created for players, given away free to other players.

Addons get updated when the creator gets time to do it. They arent paid to make these addons, so if they are not fixed right away, there may be a good reason, such as they are working and dont have a lot of time to fix it.

Be patient, they will update the addon and it will be working again sometime soon.

P.S. alot of times it is something as small as a change in the version number that can break an addon. Doesnt require massive changes to effect them.

and just what version do you have ? I have 13.55 and I’m told it’s OUT OF DATE

I refuse to get Elvui

Heard too many bad things and we had a wipe due to someones elvui going nuts

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I always wonder why people come to the WoW forums to complain about their ElvUI, when ElvUI has its own discord server. These things get handled quickly there – for instance, the solution to this initial 10.2.5 issue was to use their development (PTR) version for the short term – like a few hours – until they patched their retail version later that day.

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Out of date as shown on the addon menu on the character screen? If that’s the case, something didn’t install correctly, because the three ElvUI folders all have their .toc files updated correctly. Which is also why they always recommend fully deleting the ElvUI, ElvUI_Libraries, and ElvUI_Options folders to update, as it solves many of the minor issues people have with addon managers.

I’m having multiple addons stop working like DBM no longer works and weakauras stopped making noises properly. Is everyone having issues with ElvUI right now? I’m running 13.55 and realized when I went to the Tukui community website it says that 13.38 is current. Do I need to delete and reinstall somehow?

You’ll get better help from their discord.

Just learn the game, it’s not that hard. The UI is part of the game. UI replacement mods totally bork the game. They prevent you from learning how to play.