My crap take

Alliance are having a hard time in BGs because enhance shamans give more utility to horde than Ret does to alliance. Even though the servers are balanced it dosnt feel like it because alliance are camping incursions because losing the majority of BGs is not fun. Horde are queing bgs while alliance are camping incursions. There are still UD rogues killing alliance in ashenvale incursions but for the most part ashenvale is all alliance. Horde players are watching the alliance players be able to grind incursions while the horde are being camped on top of the quest giver. Incursions are so profitable that some players are leveling from 40 to 50 in less than 5 hours while the other faction takes a week and makes a lot less gold. The average horde player dosnt understand that layer 2 specifically is the horde layer and you need to be on that layer in order to grind incursions. Living flame server went from high population to medium in the last few days because of free xfers. Ret will receive the buffs THEY DESERVE and bring them inline with shamans but by that time alot of horde has allready left the pvp servers. We are in phase 3 and most of the player base is no longer making new accounts so locking new creation on a certain faction dosnt matter. The pvp servers are becoming more imbalanced. The only benefit to being horde is winning the majority of BGs but when Ret finally gets the buffs they deserve there will be no benefits to playing horde and the server imbalance will be alot more noticeable. Once horde losses their edge in bgs (which they should) they will be salty because they allready xfered to a pve realm or they are more outnumbered than ever or they will still have the taste in their mouths of being relentlessly camped in incursions.

I think you’re overthinking it. Alliance has a problem in BG’s because they run them for gear, whereas Horde run BG’s because they want to kill Alliance. No amount of changes to Paladin will change that.

It’s a different mentality and a different kind of player.


Doesn’t matter if there are shamans. When I queue bgs as horde I feel like alliance play like total bots.
Pretty simple.


I’ve played plenty of BGs without shaman and we still stomped. Don’t think this is the issue

The only time I played alliance was on Tich for RBGs back in the day, so IDK what’s wrong with y’all in BGs but it’s WAY more than not having shaman lol.

Guarantee you could have shaman and pally and we could have neither and my win rate would remain equal.

Pretty sure PvP to PvE server transfers fixed this problem.

alliance are having trouble bc they suck, don’t work as a team and give up after first team fight. horde do not win bc of shamans. ive won countless games where we did not have a single shaman in p2 and p3. rets are broken btw, (so are enhance shamans)

When I queue for BGs on my Lone Wolf alliance toons and ask people to call incs, group for base pushes, avoid inting on roads, I get total silence

When I queue on my horde characters on Crusader Strike, I get 80% of the team communicating, calling incs, pushing bases as a team, sometimes making bad calls, but still communicating.

I used to think both factions were roughly the same till Classic, now I think horde have conditioned themselves a different sort of way.

alliance are all pve andys turbo bads whos only pvp is afking in AV to get exalted items

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What I have tended to notice is Alliance like to attack stuff but hate defending. Sometimes leaving places totally undefended so they can go attack with the zerg. When there is a defender 50% of the time they are afk/not paying attention and get the nose stolen out from under them without warning.

The horde on the other hand I have yet to run across a base that was not defended by an attentive player.

Also a lot of alliance players tend to “give up” if the horde gets 3 in the beginning. Saying stuff like just let them 5 cap we already lost… dude it’s like 100 to 200 there is still time to turn it around.

The reason is simple. Horde have a longer queue time solo, so they are grouping up in premades to avoid it. That’s literally it. Get aggrend to fix the solo queue times so they’re not 10X longer than premades’ queue, and alliance will be fine again.

exactly. the horde communicate in AB, always. we have 1-2 people defending our flags (never afk, the allies at stables defending it are usually alt tabbed watching their favourite streamer, like this one pally was standing legit next to the flag and i took right infront of him) - also what i noticed is the horde always coordinates a lot when attacking or defending. The allies just run around doing nothing to win, they seems to like to farm HK’s

This is a complex that Alliance players have convinced themselves of why their losing, while afk’ing at Stables.

They need to get over it and git gud

Absolutely. Couldn’t have said it better. Your comment needs to be posted in discord and on it’s own post so that everytime there is whining about the pvp they can read this.

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