My Covenant Compromise Ideas

Because I’m still having fun. Doesn’t mean I can’t criticize a blindingly obvious poor design decision.

Good to know a player that doesn’t play the game is so confident on what the game needs.

Do you also submit requests to NASA after watching a movie about space?

I didn’t play after the first couple months of BFA because of how bad the Azerite system was. I’m pretty resilient to mmo rough patches, but Azerite was a big no thanks from me. If arena and M+ are disrupted by the covenant system like I imagine they will be, then I’ll play through the first couple months of content and quit again.

I like this idea combined with having independent soulbinds/conduits for each spec of a class.

2 Covenants plus soulbinds for each role should cover most circumstances.

Still seems like it’s not necessary for ANY restrictions though - this isn’t a free to play game.

Poor decision? Lol.

The “cycle” sounds brilliant to me. They appease everyone just enough to keep them coming back. People who want RPG systems get the locked down system, people who want a fully open action system with busted stat-scaling get to enjoy end-of-expansion power creep.

You keep playing even though you don’t like their decisions some of the times because they give you just enough. It’s the perfect “compromise” in a way.

Bro. The fact that I didn’t play is exactly why I am confident what the game needs. Because I actually know where I draw the line in the sand and say enough is enough. You don’t. You stay subbed, you have very little say in what is actually a “deal-breaker”.

Humor me, what expansions DID you play? And which of those did you enjoy? What was the content you did?

The game doesn’t need to be perfectly tailored to me for me to stay subbed. That’s something you don’t seem to be getting about yourself, which is why you’re so adamant in your defense that everyone else’s preferred method of play is wrong. You want this game to be perfectly tailored to you, otherwise you’re gonna stomp your feet and leave.

If by brilliant, you mean stupid? Sure. I keep playing, because I’m still having fun. I’ve watched many friends and guilds die due to these decisions. You didn’t play through BfA, so don’t tell me how it’s been this expac due to their “design decision.” Hell you can go to wowprogress and see multiple realms raiding base shrink to nothing over the course of BfA.

I keep playing IN SPITE of these poor decisions, because other parts of the game out weigh those decisions. That doesn’t mean that they weren’t poor decisions.

From launch Vanilla, BC, WOTLK (up to TOGC, where I quit the game because PvP was in the dumpster and TOGC was the final insult - although I semi-regret I didn’t stick through it to experience ICC), the SoO patch of MoP, WoD, off-and-on with Legion. Now about a couple weeks of BFA.

Pretty much most of it. I actually had a good time with WoD for the most part because I was raiding Blackrock Foundry with three different characters. I don’t play the game when I stop having fun or when I don’t think I’m going to have fun in the future.

Raid content? Too many to list, so I’ll just list what I didn’t clear when it was current when I was playing the game. I didn’t clear Naxx or Sunwell. When I came back to the game I’ve done what is now considered heroic content.

All that said, I’m not really sure what you’re looking to get out of this.

Dude, you’re not getting it. They’re brilliant decisions if you keep playing in spite of them, and other people who would also quit if you got your way also continue to play. You don’t like the specific meta of one patch, but someone else likes it. They don’t like the patch you like though. They’re just frequent enough to keep you both happy.

Of those that you enjoyed, which expansions do you think strongly discouraged spec swapping? What systems were in place to restrict swapping specs?

I don’t mind “hey choose your team”.

I mind “hey choose a team with this dps package that may change randomly according to our whim and have players annoying you for the wrong choice ohh and also you can’t really experiment without going all in.”

(Note: I am sure someone is going to build a sim app that factors in your armor and covenant choice’s… It will be needlessly complex and allow you to see that your choice of goth vamp was right 2 weeks ago but now you should be sparkly blue angel! how dare you for not thinking of that 2 weeks ago…for shame!)

No. You’re not getting it. I’m not a one dimensional character. Just because I dislike one part of the game, doesn’t mean I paint the whole game as bad. Just like you, when I stop having fun, I stop playing. Since I’ve still had fun throughout the expacs, I’m still playing.

That doesn’t mean that those design choices were good ones, and they certainly were big enough of a problem to stop other people from playing.

Or are you seriously arguing that Azerite was well designed?

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Gold was relatively expensive in Vanilla. People can say otherwise but that was the way it was.

Legion artifacts discouraged spec-swapping with AP only going to one weapon.

BFA Azerite discouraged spec-swapping from what I understand.

People seem to like Classic WoW, and Legion was awesome (although I had real life reasons to take breaks from it). I don’t think inability to spec swap is really make-or-break for most folks. I think BFA was just kind of bad from what I can tell. Smelly pirates, goofy comic-relief turtles, a bunch of Old God raids (I don’t think people actually like Old Gods as much as their fans would pretend), a troll raid… I dunno man, BFA had a whole host of flavor issues. Also, it gated the main new core feature Allied Races behind rep which was sure to piss off the casuals who love rolling new races.

Lmao… Legion was awesome… AFTER they fixed all those problems. Oh and the legendary grind? They’re literally pointing at how terrible that was and how they’re NOT repeating it in SL.

Cause ya know… finding out about the hidden 4 legendary cap was AWESOME.

Cause ya know… even playing a second spec would put you behind on your first spec was AWESOME.

They in NO WAY changed these things quickly after launch. Nope. Not at all. They in NO WAY acknowledged these as obvious flaws in the system.

Good lord.

Nothing you said relates to artifacts. Try again.

Try again.

Hold on. You didn’t say you enjoyed Legion or BFA. You said you barely played Legion and didn’t play BFA. Azerite in the beginning discouraged spec swapping by increasing the gold cost to reforge (though you could just farm more azerite pieces quite easily so spec swapping was still very possible) but when they fixed it.

You said you enjoyed BC (didn’t discourage spec swapping), WotLK (didn’t discourage spec swapping), MoP (didn’t discourage spec swapping), and Classic (did discourage spec swapping but was quickly considered an outdated system in the following expansions)

So you didn’t enjoy the expansions that discouraged spec swapping but did enjoy the expansions that didn’t?

Aint that funny.

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You guys want to be able to swap Covenant and the associated abilities by just pressing a button for different encounters? For example, in SL raid, you use one Covenant’s abilities on one boss and then swap to a different Covenant for the different abilities for the 2nd boss?

Or better yet, try playing an alt with the “catch up” in place. With your character specific catch up. Good lord… If you don’t know about something, just state it. Don’t act like you know about it.

These were clear flaws that blizzard quickly acted to fix. They even stated they were flaws.

That’d be tight. Just like I swap talents before every arena match.

Not even two posts up he said he didn’t play Legion aside from a bit “off and on”

He has no idea if it was awesome or not.