My Covenant Compromise Ideas

As far as the lore go it makes sense we atleast get all abilities. We go from covenant to covneants, saving them and getting imbued by their powers during the leveling.

Given everyone more options and an expanded talent tree

Everyone would be going nuts if they’d just added them as a talent tree

Odd how people expecting to get fun for their entertainment expenditures suddenly became “entitled” when devs created one of many borrowed power systems in the past couple of expansions.

Sure. This version could be what the “loosened up” version looks like in 9.1 It’ll make a lot of people happy without gutting the system.

I’d rather we just cut to the chase and got the 9.3 version up front.

You’d rather. I wouldn’t. That’s literally the point.

also, what is with people and acting like “hardcore players” and this made up “1%” are the only ones concerned about this? There are hundreds if not thousands of posts made by far-less-than-Hardcore players as well as casuals on these forums every day. Can’t just put your head in the sand and pretend like they don’t exist to make your argument look more appealing to people who have a disdain for “hardcores”

The same like 3 people are keeping this narrative alive. It’s really weird. Are you really just Ralph multiboxing accounts?

And when they’re considering this a “lesson learned” as they have with every single one of those systems described above… Just remember that.

Cat + Water = unhappy kitty
Roleplay + Char power = unhappy player

Result for both: Hate full hissing and possible eye clawing.

Solution: don’t dunk the kitty in water.
Solution: don’t make the player choose between player power and RP.

They only say they learned their lesson because you need to hear them say it so you buy the next expansion. It’s interesting to me that you notice a pattern, but then somehow take them at their word that the pattern doesn’t exist.

It’s pretty obvious it is intent in their design, like how Pathfinder is an intent. The difference is with Pathfinder they’re now at the point it is okay for them to say it is their plan to have a cycle in place.

Can we just imagine if they devs had just made a new talent row and then made the covenant system as we have it just with out the abilities

It’s just wild to think how everyone would be having a grand old time

None of this fighting over the two words “meaningful choice”

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Sounds boring.

That’s… the point of this thread in a sense. I literally mentioned that this helps players RP as one Covenant but get the powers of another.

It’s true. But the secret plan is to take it all away at the end of the expac. Because while borrowed power is annoying it is indefinatly sustainable.

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They are designing catch up now with the same concept that fuels the “removal of cool stuff” that is supposed to inspire new players to spend massive amounts of gold just in case they miss something they probably wouldn’t even have been eligible for, rather than “screw this game, it’s trash”.

I’m referring to the lack of effective catch up we saw with essences until it was basically too late to catch up. “What, you expected to come late in the expansion and be able to play the game? Go do chores for the rest of the expansion!”

Yeah, that’s going to increase subscriber base. NOT.

If you take off the first half of the expansion because of pathfinder, as many players do, you will never be permitted to catch up and play the game. This will be the rule in the future.

Any game whose stock response to a new or returning player is “sucks to be you!” is on the wrong track.

Don’t take off the first half of the expansion and hope to come back and be exactly where you need to be? I think essences are super dumb and there’s a reason “play the patch” is the dominant design philosophy, but Pathfinder is pretty obviously intended to reward players who stuck in the game when flying was disabled. I don’t see them really going back on Pathfinder too much. They’re moving the requirement from reputation to Renown, and presumably will have Renown catch-up mechanics, but there will always be some level of grind for Pathfinder coming late.

Exactly. Bogus “catch up” that is intended to punish new and returning players for having bought the game. That’s a long-term strategy for failure. Good luck with that bait and switch.

I’m sure you’ll stay as long as the spigot of free stuff keeps pouring loot into your lap for existing.

Player base is blind if we can’t see it

They add these annoying restrictions then half way through the xpac they remove them so everyone thinks it’s a job well done and then everyone is excited to play the game with more flexibility after everyone is over their meaningful choice

Is that a generic you, or are you actually talking to me? I literally skipped most of BFA, I came back about a couple weeks ago after ignoring BFA. I don’t sub to the game when I don’t like what Blizzard is doing.

You forget that when they remove something players hate, they replace it with something that’s twice as much work.

Oh no doubt and we will all lap it up like the abused dogs that we are