My characters are STILL black and textureless!

still happening btw
no fix or changes on my end

Same here. Nobody has eyes and most textures are jet black and featureless. Drivers updated, etc.

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My Blood elf is stuck with Black Hair and Red yes. Cant load any other colors. Even if I switch over to male. Gfx card drivers updated etc. Using a NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 6GB. Thought this was a BETA only bug …

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having the same issue! Already tried reinstalling without interruption and updating drivers.

what is the question again

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seems like a blizzard issue at this point and they need to fix it.

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New NVIDIA cards bugged since beta. We cant see textures / new barbershop stuff like colors etc.

im seeing such a range of video cards with this problem on the forums that I am beginning to wonder if its not the video card.

Have you updated the drivers on your graphics card I need to do that tonight when I get home I’ve been forgetting but I had no problem with loading the characters on the PTR.

Ive uninstalled and reinstalled my card and drivers. I have had this issue for weeks now on the beta and was hoping that it was just a bug that when reported would be squashed before it went live. I have tried many things and was just waiting for the patch with the hopes that my toon would have eyeballs.


Seems there are many people unable to see anything but black textures on a number of different video cards. I am hoping blizz can find a fix for it. I cant justify paying 1500 to update my computer again when I have a great pc that worked well yesterday in BFA.


This is an issue with “old” AMD processors that supposedly no longer meet the specs for the game to run Shadowlands tech:

I’m having the same problem, cleaned cache, updated drivers, scan and repaired and nothing has changed. I am NOT buying a new computor to play this game when it was working perfectly before the updates and patches. This needs to be fixed.


what seems to be the problem?

My only guess is that it might be a comp issue, still trying to figure it out myself. On my newer computer there are no issues and the skins and textures load properly, but on my older computer I am having the same issue.

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theres a thread thats been answered. Waiting for updates.

It’s sad this glitch is making WoW pretty much unplayable, while I have seen the black missing textures in other games before, making small changes like adjusting MSAA or Ambient Occlusion, or simply reinstalling the textures would fix the issue. The fact that the issue cropped up immediately following the pre-patch, suggests a simple coding change may be responsible, I hope the issue is found out soon.

This issue has been raised months ago in beta. Looks like it maybe due to old processors that dont meet min requirements.

Add some kale. That stuff has a lot of… texture.

I have a 1060 but not having issues.

Maybe uninstalling and reinstall can help?

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