My Changed Views on Covenants as a Casual

I mean you can either have the brutosaur or 5 million gold. It’s not just give me both.

don’t see the parallel tbh. seems like different situations completely.

Man these threads really show how awful everyone is at analogies

Actually, I have had many discussions so far with people who completely disagree with my opinion. I’m not looking for validation in the slightest.

I still don’t understand why you think putting abilities behind RP is a good idea, can you explain that further if you don’t mind? You were talking about people experiencing the content on a broader spectrum should span across multiple classes, and I agree. But I still don’t understand your reasoning behind locking people out of abilities who just want to try them and swap them around.

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Role playing games are supposed to have choices that affect gameplay. Some people want a priest who has instant cast greater pyroblasts too. But it doesn’t fit with the to and lore of the classes. Now people are doing the same with I want to be a venthyr with night fae abilities. It just doesn’t work that way in any game and definitely not in a role playing game.

ah yes, how well night fae fits with Death knights. two peas in a pod….

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I never asked for that, stop making such radical comparisons. I’m asking as a DK to use DK based abilities, what?? :joy:

Do you mind explaining to me how my DK can use Arcane Magic in Shadowlands, and how that fits the lore of my class please?

I actually never said that either, please stop assuming.

What I think would be a good idea is having all the abilities to be on two talent rows and those abilities then get skinned to fit whatever Covenant I decide to side with for my RP reasons. I never once asked for that.

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it sounds like we’re back to Diablo skill points that can’t be changed.

want to change points ? reroll…

Let’s not pretend WoW is a stable genre. Let’s also not be so conservative with our generic definitions.

It’s the truth. It might not be what you want to hear. Sorry

Can you answer my question please?

yes, ignore every counter argument and just declare yours is truth, truly you have made me change my mind, thank you for your input /s

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If everyone’s okay with being locked into an entire class, why can we not handle committing to covenants which boil down to two temporary abilities and some thematic elements? Once again, changing your covenant will be easy. Swapping back and forth will not be.

Can we have just one weighted decision to make besides class? In a game where talents, spec, gear, and all other borrowed power utilities are immediately swappable, what other decisions actually matter?

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Yeah, this thread is like if you jumped on top of a box of jello (dry, not wet) and found out you’d forgotten to do your homework before sociology class.

I think it’s because the abilities don’t feel like playing a separate class, and instead the ability barrier is just seen as a nuisance.

Faction, race, guild, social connections, content focus, spec (especially with corruptions), and most importantly, time spent in game.

People flipping the auction house make decisions that matter
People who run guilds make roster decisions that matter
People who focus on certain professions make profession choices matter

Also, and the biggest one, what about for reasons such as an online agenda, aesthetics, and other stuff like that?

I’m fine with choosing a class, I’m not fine with being stuck in only 1 spec.
I’m fine with choosing a class, I’m not fine with being stuck with one set of talents.
I’m fine with choosing my class, I’m not fine with being stuck with one set of essences/azerite.

hello? story/cosmetics? the actual good part of the system???

Yeah, I sort of agree. I don’t think they will freely unlock the covenants but I think they will for sure have to add some way around it to let us play around with all the different abilities, it’s possible it comes latter down the line I agree. I believe soulbinds might stay locked to the original covenant choice though, they can just add more soulbind options if needed (and they aren’t as impactful for your gameplay or “fun” as the actual covenant abilities).

About the story I actually kind of expect it to go in a different direction, well we might still come together vs the jailer but I think latter on we will find out that the covenants are playing us, not sure, just a gut feeling.

Because everything has a limit. In this case, that limit is right around “being locked into an entire class.” Adding “being locked in to one spec and content type” doesn’t get many people hot to trot.

I think a lot of people like that too though. I enjoy classes that have certain niches and abilities and strengths and weaknesses. But why would two extra buttons require such work to acquire and switch out? It makes no sense.

Yeah, I mean to say being locked in to one class seems to be enough for most people (and too much for many). So for people asking why adding more restriction on top of that is annoying to so many people… well it’s because everything has a limit.

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