My Birthday

My friends, August 26 is my 84th birthday. Warcraft has been announcing the “Within” series beginning August 26, so I had an idea that probably won’t go over big with the developers, but here it is: Could WOW celebrate the oldies, like me? I have been playing the game since it’s beginning, and saving my Social Security for the payment of the fees. This could be a wonderful gift for those of us whose birthday falls on the Wow Classic. Why not waive the payment? Things are tight right now and it would be a most wonderful, needful gift.


Congrats on your birthday and keeping your mind intact. I know playing a game such as this helps more than the Soduko and solitaire Mahjong I play every day.

I think your suggestion is sweet, but in the scheme of things just won’t fly for Blizz. Probably a lot of players have played since the beginning and are still in their 30’s. Again you’re a kind individual and very inspirational. Thank you for sharing. I wish the world worked that way.


Medicare should cover gaming subs. It’s a healthy way to keep the mind active and the soul social.


first off, happy early birb day.

second off, i think its more of a reasonable ask for them to have a in game event that would give you things like a birthday cake and some in game presents based on a birthday provided on the account.

several other games have little minor events the commemorate the event.

maybe a 10% xp/rep buff for the week of the birthday.


August 26 will be one hell of a Birthday . I wish i could join you to have a WoW Birthday Party . I hope you have lots of fun on your Birthday :birthday:.

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happy bday :birthday:

If this post is legit/not a troll, congrats

84 is above average, whatever it is you’ve been eating/drinking up until now just keep doing it I guess :joy:

A very happy early birthday to you. I like your idea. I too, am an older player, I started about a month after WOW was released.

Being on a fixed income is rather challenging to say the least. Do to this and the rising costs of everything, this has been the 1st time in my WOW history that I am unable to afford buying even the basic expansion. This really makes me quite sad.

Wow has always been my escape I guess you can say, from the stresses of RL. I guess I am stuck in DF for a long while.

Devs, get this person a year sub.
Anyone over 80, really, provided they can prove it.
They did their part, let them enjoy the world we all love.


Happy early birthday! :birthday:

Oh, thanks guys for the birthday wishes. I was surprised when I saw the date, too. And, yes, I am really almost 84, and August 26 is my bday. No trolls allowed here. I guess I will wait and see if I put out that huge greedy amount, still haven’t decided. Thanks again.



belated i guess.

Happy early birthday!

My grandma is 82 years old. I wish she’d play WoW with me :laughing:

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Just had my 60th

Awww thanks for the birthday wishes! I don’t get all anxious about getting old, the alternative is not pleasant.