My bags are gone. Deleted out of my bag slots?

I logged in my main character, who had 4x Gigantique Bags, and they’re all gone. I assumed it was an addon display issue so I disabled all my addons, but nope, the bag containers are gone and hovering over them even says “Equip Container”.

So I’m just going to assume that the issue is somehow related to the Gigantique Bags as I only had them on the one character and it is (so far) the only one affected.

Ok quick correction, I only had 3x of those bags and my 4th slot was an Abyssal Bag.

Additional info: I had logged into this character earlier in the day to see if I was able to purchase the upgraded Inscribed Signet of the Kirin Tor. I was able to but the server went down for maintenance shortly thereafter. I hadn’t logged into the character for several hours as I was on other characters, and upon logging in, the bags be gone!

Update: So I went to do the fishing daily yesterday and was able to get rid of a few slots to fit the fish into (mailed away some stuff basically) and funny thing, when I logged back in, the 4 slots that I had cleared up were now filled up with some of the items that had been in my disappeared bags. I decided hey, let’s do some experimenting and threw in some new bags, and lo and behold my items reappeared in those bags after relogging.

Unfortunately, when I logged in again today, those new bags had disappeared. It seems I am only allowed to use a bag for a short time. I have become Bergtau the Bagless.


I’m having the same problem and also happened after the second time the servers went down. It seems to just be bags disappearing into nowhere whenever you disconnect from the server and only happening on one character.
putting new bags in the slot and relogging will give you your items back but the bags are gone and do not show up in item recovery.
I saw a thread post from 2 months ago about this same problem and blizzard gave no help other than directing people to a page that says this is a visual error and deleting your cache, wtf and interface or deleting your character will fix it but none of that did.

The bags are boe and disappearing when offline and dont show up in item recovery so they are not being deleted by an addon.
Please some help would be greatly appreciated its really hard to play the game as a druid with 6 gear sets and 1 bag.


Wow another person, definitely not a display issue as my affected character is using zero addons at the moment just to ensure addons are not the culprit.

My ticket they just gave me a canned response linking me back to the support page, wowhead and the forum directory. Do these automated responses actually help anybody? It seems like it would be pretty hard for them to be helpful given the amount of hoops you jump through just to put in a ticket.


No they are just an absolute waste of time. If you know how to get through to support using the ticket system you should know how to retrieve basic bug info from game sources. They just send those automated responses to you to keep you happy until one of their 2 classic support staff eventually gets to your ticket.


If you have a reddit account, can you post it on the classicwow sub? Maybe it’ll get traction and they’ll do something. I made an account but can’t post until some undetermined date without it getting removed.

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Yeah I can get a post up on there just been busy with ulduar prep with 1 bag lol. Had to empty out a lot of my bank.

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I’m just using 16 slot bags as raid consumables at this point. What I’m experiencing is, if I put them in my bag slots and relog once, they fill up with my items. If I relog after that those also disappear LOL

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Well my ticket finally got answered 10 minutes after I logged off at 4am…
Almost like they were waiting all day so they wouldn’t have to talk to a real person.

“We’ve had a few similar reports of this problem so far, and our Bugzapping teams are aware of the problem and working diligently toward a fix. We’ll post any updates through our patch notes or Hotfixes as soon as we get them, and thanks for your ongoing patience!”

That’s what I was told but that is totally bogus since the posts from 3/4 months ago which had over 50 people with the same problem have stopped. What I think is there is a fix for this but not enough people are being affected for them to warrant taking the servers down to update anything.

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So I put 4x 16 slot bags in today and they haven’t disappeared yet. Crazy conspiracy theory idea, somehow the location of our bag slots got allocated to something relating to server performance and so they only disappear upon logging in when the server is under heavy load.

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I’ll give that a shot, log out somewhere other than dalaran from now on.

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I love the replies so far.

Side note, there are some WEIRD things that this bag situation make possible, such as getting multiple copies of unique items.

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Also dealing with this issue, hoping we can get an idea of when/if it will be fixed as Im finding it very frustrating to play my main character now

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I got a third ticket response effectively telling me to do the same stuff we’ve all already done. I replied with a video showing proof that it is not a display issue as well as possible exploitation that can be done because of this glitch occurring.

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I got a response today saying they fixed this in the past so hopefully it will be fixed again soon. But I don’t see anyone in that oct/november thread saying their issues got solved.

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I really think this is related to something linked to server load 'cause it hasn’t happened to me today but it’s a really slow day for the server so far whereas I had it happen a bunch of times in a row on Thursday/Friday.

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Got a reply last night telling me to delete wtf,cache and interface even after the other gm that replied had admitted it was a bug and the devs were aware… very annoying. Hoping this doesnt just get forgotten about :frowning:

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Game update today and when I logged in my bag didn’t get deleted. But the problem persisted after. So something with a server restart is causing this to not happen.

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yep no luck for us this time around :frowning:

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My bags would not disappear for hours at a time, seeming to disappear at times when the server was under more load (upon relog). I went an entire day without them disappearing on like Sunday/Monday night/morning but then they disappeared later.

It’s not a problem anymore for me though, I’m no longer playing.

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