My argument for adding High Elves to the Alliance

what makes you think you deserve TWO models that are exact of an iconic horde race? honestly velves are there for you. aren’t you a velf main anyway? if you don’t like them and they’re not good enough then why main one?


you get it wrong, they want better blood elves, pure elves, more-white blue eyed elves, they don’t realize the high elf fantasy, of rangers, mages, priest everything, is blood elf fantasy already, and they will not deliver to the alliance dismissing blood elf lore/fantasy and blurring the races/faction, thats why they change the fantasy some elves to become void elves.

seems too much of a work to do

they don’t do that with every thread.


if they’re being unfairly flagged the people who do it should be punished. but the pro helf peoples hands aren’t any cleaner in general. that’s all i’m saying.





Pick two.


And you do realize that some of them weren’t at Quel’thalas to die to the scourge, and were in fact still fighting for the Alliance, and have continued doing so in every expansion? Furthermore, void elves pretty much proved the numbers argument invalid.


You’re right we DID need another thread for this


You are talking about a small fragment of the high elf population. You act like just because most of the high elves changed names that they are no longer high elves. We changed our name to honor those that fell to the scourge. We ARE THE TRUE HIGH ELVES.


“Iconic” is subjective. Theres probably a lot of people who believe only the original races are iconic (Tauren, Darspear, Forsaken, and Orcs) since they were the core that made the Horde.

Also, I never said I “deserve” anything. I just pointed out that the High Elves have been part of the Alliance longer than Blood Elves and the horde.


the that makes sw humans, nelves, dwarves, and gnomes “iconic” alliance races then if we’re using that logic.

Considering the official alliance position on Zandalari warlocks is shut up, sit down and forget it because you are never gonna get it…

Shut up, sit down, forget it, you are never going to get it.

Blood Elves changed their names so Kael’thas could cement his rule and ensure his reign would be the last of the royal line like the egotistical dunce that he was.


High Elves are already Alliance, just flip the switch and make them playable already. Wildhammer dwarves too.


Yup. Worgen, Draenei, and Pandaren were an afterthought.

But nowadays we have Allied Races which can honestly end up being anything.

Blizz could literally write up tomorrow that an island filled with high elves is suddenly discovered if they wanted.

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They did with void elves.



the helf people on the forums would crap on that the same way they do velves. anything but the wc2 helves will not be accepted. i read enough of the previous threads to know this much.


I have an alternate idea that would solve that issue (though I personally don’t see it as an issue), as well as give a variation of a similarly popular race to the Horde:

  • Yrel invades AU Azeroth, and conquers everything up to the borders of Silvermoon
  • Humans and High Elves, the last remaining members of the AU Alliance, somehow find out about MU Azeroth and find a way to open a portal there and flee
  • AU Sylvanas, the last surviving AU Windrunner, sees what the Blood Elves have become and decides to align her people with the Silver Covenant and the Alliance.
  • Anduin is shocked to meet his AU father alive and well, but after seeing that the Draenei are members of the Alliance AU Varian declares that Anduin is no son of his, his people leave Stormwind and, having never encountered Orcs in their universe and therfore having no animosity towards them, seek to join the Horde.

The altered history would also allow them to have different classes from Blood Elves and MU Humans.

i’m okay with high elves on the alliance. they’re pretty boring to me, but it’d be alright seeing them run around stormwind.

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Drede might be correct but none of us know until a moderator explains the details.
For all we know it might be just the accumulation of reported posts within the topic that prevents it from staying open.
My guess is the forum doesn’t seem to be able to handle the combination of long threads and posts being flagged within it. But I have no proof and unlike others who believe they know, I’m only going to suggest what the problem might be.

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Formally left the alliance in WC3.
Needed to be coerced into assisting the alliance in WC2.

Red is better

Not really. It was always certain tribes.

She doesn’t represent all high elves only the silver covenant.

Would make Horde players unhappy.
Besides, why do you have void elves?


Callistus has openly stated “flagged for trolling.” against many people who were against belves. So the argument of it being people who do not share your view is a false narrative.