My application for lead narrative designer

Do you have an undying love for our glorious queen Sylvanas Windrunner, first of her name, ranger-general of Silvermoon, the one and only true warchief of the real Horde, and burner of trees?

No, but I can rehash Thanos over and over and over again because that’s all I know how to do.

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Okay you’re hired, provided that the next expansion’s villain has extra large nipples

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If I get the job I’ll recommend you as my editor.

While that is fine for Blizzard since they handed their story to writing monkeys, it doesn’t mean you can write anything coherent.

What do you think the basic plot should be for the next expansion? :slight_smile:

Lead narrative designer, huh? Well, I reckon I could give it shot, but before I do, maybe y’all should check out my writing skills. See Fury of the Forsaken in the World’s End Tavern forum and tell me what you think.

Semper Fi! :us: :ukraine:

I agree with you but I normally enjoy reading the threads trashing blizzard’s writing – the whole time wondering “And what does YOUR writing look like?”…

Don’t confuse my comment with thinking Blizzard deserves high honors among the greatest writers or anything, its more a comment meant to poke fun at the whole “monday night quarterback” type of syndrome.

Everyone is skilled, knows all the best answers…knows exactly what should have been done and when…when they are not responsible or actively participating in that which they are talking about.

Life’s easy and simple when you are just a bystander judging others and never participating.

the last xmen movie, the new mutants was okay… felt like a completely different genre tho but ig with the success of logan they want more real world xmen type stuff instead of comic based ?

:dizzy: :rabbit: