My apology to the Horde (8.2.5 spoilers)

We absolutely can. But it’s illogical and unethical to operate from the perspective that we both need equal treatment at this precise point in time.

Let me put it to you this way: Jerry and Barry both receive apples from Larry. But Larry likes Jerry better than Barry, so he gives Jerry more apples. Then eventually, Jerry and Barry both get sick of this and Larry promises he’ll give Jerry and Barry equal apples.

Except Jerry still has more apples. Larry won’t give Barry more apples to make up for it, he just has to be satisfied with equal apples from now on.

This isn’t intended to be condescending, just about putting it in perspective. The Alliance is Barry. We need more apples before we can start talking about equality, if we’re being honest about it.

I’m not sure it’s unethical to feel like two parts of a video game are both badly written. You can disagree with it but calling peoples’ ethics into question over it is a bit severe. You’re talking about being honest about something, but you’re relying on the notion that your opinion and experiences are the only valid ones. No one person’s experiences and opinions are absolute. People aren’t being dishonest for not agreeing with you. They just… don’t agree with you. Which should be okay. People should be able to disagree without being called unethical or dishonest.


I mean, just looking at the threads about that cinematic… it seems like there’s at least a decent chunk of Horde players who are perfectly okay with what they were given this time around.

And I’m really not seeing that similar feeling of scattered satisfaction from any Alliance corners, which seems like a pretty specific problem.


forsaken players seem like nice people and I hope they get some good stories going forward


I didn’t say they were. But acting like both factions suffered equally is dishonest and I will call it out, same as I call out any dishonesty.

It is okay. But I’m not going to not argue or point out poor arguments just because they disagree with me.

Specifically good stories involving our future warchief flag girl


She needs to be the next Zekhan, ASAP.

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They already have a hi def model for her so she is primed to appear in cinematics going forward.

Dropping her catch phrase:

sound of flagstaff clicking

It’s not dishonest. Someone may feel that way. They’re allowed to, and it’s not a lie. How do you mathematically quantify real world suffering wrought by a video game?

Okay, see… we should all be trying to come together to get change, and disrespecting any opinion that isn’t yours so flippantly isn’t really productive. Any opinion that isn’t yours isn’t automatically a poor one.


…who’s talking about real world suffering?

No, but I will argue why I think mine is the correct one. I will back it up, without personal attacks or bad faith, as I always have and always will do.

And yes, putting forth the idea that we need to all come together without first addressing a major problem of Blizzard’s storytelling is dishonest. It’s unproductive. It’s not good arguing.

Guys! No one has addressed the other thing!

Talanji is now defacto Queen of the Horde because she entered the horde as an equal to Sylvanas.


This is a good point. I for one welcome our new dinosaur riding overlords.


We’re gonna feel mega dumb when we replace Sylvanas with another leader affiliated with scary necromantic powers


Maybe no one. I thought that’s what you meant by suffering. If you’re talking about in game, then yeah there’s no contest. I thought we were talking OOC opinions though.

Saying people are lying and unethical are polite personal attacks, but personal nonetheless.

My overarching statement here? Every single one of us got a raw deal, as consumers. And we all deserve better going forward.


I’ll be frank with you, as a Forsaken player I would vastly prefer this had happened.


Hide in the lorehole with me. You’ll never find us pandaren, Blizzard.

We are the sword in the shadows…

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Gladly, I used to pity the Gnomes and Pandaren for generally being irrelevant. I now envy them


See now what your hubris has wrought!

Give it a few years until they randomly decide that Chi slowly corrupts you into being evil.

I had thought that could go unsaid, though I did make it a point to mention that BfA has left the Alliance battered and victimized, even if we get to walk away as The Good Boys.

I did not think me saying “hey, I’ve been thinking about this and it kinda sucks, sorry y’all have to deal with it” needed a disclaimer.