My apology to the Horde (8.2.5 spoilers)

Sure, it was unfair.

So was being made the victims for your story. So was being forced to sit out through the last battle. So was being coerced into another MoP.

The Horde got it bad. The Alliance got it worse.


I get that, I honestly do. But I also got death threats and harassment even when the Horde wasn’t being hit with the villain bat.

Toxic player attitudes are going to be around forever. They’re always worth pushing back on, but there’s no need to center Horde outrage when the Alliance got it much worse.

I maintain that both factions got a raw deal.

The Horde get to be the focus of the story, at the cost of said story throwing them under the bus and rendering their achievements either null or unknowingly self-destructive.

The Alliance was victimized and forced into the backseat, but we at least get to step away without fearing internal strife while feeling at least some measure of heroism.

We could quibble for paragraphs upon paragraphs over who had it worse, but unless we jointly direct our criticisms at Blizzard it’s just going to keep happening.


I concur.

I do not concur.

Being aware of and specific about our grievances is always good. The Horde got a raw deal, yes. But the Alliance got a worse deal. This will keep happening until it’s believed, recognized and accepted.

And you think what you’re doing now will accomplish this?


As someone who has spent equal time on both sides for anwhile now.

BfA sucked horrendously on both sides for very different reasons.

I hated being railroaded into being a genocidal baby eater just as much as I hated the constant white knight passivity that oozed out of the Alliances core.


I do, yes. Because we have a thread apologizing to the Horde, centering their grievance over the Alliance’s. Already, just as it did during MoP, the conversation has shifted to “how can we make the Horde’s experience better?”

How about the Horde’s experience comes second for once?

I wish all of them were posted on MMO Champ, thanks for the update!

From a now primarily Alliance player who thinks the Horde got a raw deal and is already seeing the conflict it’s going to spawn, yes.

Oh? How so?

Has it? And here I thought I was saying that both factions deserve better.


Uh, some of us were extremely witting. Linear gameplay doesn’t make us all dumb. It’s just… y’know, we’re at point A, if we wanna get to point B, there’s only one option.

Most of us were extremely witting. But we were stuck dragged along for the terrible ride.


Do we have any threads about the Alliance’s experiences, specifically?

While bringing up the Horde’s problems, specifically.

I get it and I applaud the sentiment, truly–but it’s a dishonest sentiment. Both factions suffered, yes. But treating both factions’ suffering as equal isn’t productive.

Is playing sadness Olympics productive either though?


On the Wyrmrest Accord forums, right this moment? No. But there have been plenty of others far more well-written than anything I could produce.

Perhaps you should put one together.

You applaud what you say is a dishonest sentiment? That seems a bit odd.

Let me ask you something.

How much success have you achieved thus far in the war against Blizzard’s lackluster writing?


It’s not about olympics, it’s about achieving the barest recognition of what happened. It’s about the playerbase acknowledging and admitting that the Alliance comes up short in these. It’s about acknowledging what’s true and correct: the Horde suffer, but suffers in a way that earned them benefits that were denied to the Alliance.

If we want to have equal footing, then we have to admit we’re already on unequal footing.

No progress can be made without admitting what went wrong.

But your perspective, your barest recognition, is that the Alliance had it worse. Which is just arguing over who had it worse, which seems pretty unproductive. BfA sucked, why does it have to be a contest?

There are only two forces that matter in this world. Those who seek to harm the Warcraft franchise. And those of us who would protect it! :crossed_swords:


Oh this is gonna suck.


I’m doing that right now.

It’s not odd at all. I think you’re doing a noble thing, you just aren’t seeing the whole picture.

Remember at the start of Battle for Azeroth? When I spoke out against the bad storytelling? What did I get? “Wait and see,” “you’re overreacting,” etc.

Where are we at now? An admission that there’s a problem, that Blizzard isn’t doing right.

That’s not because of me. That’s because people who wanted better would not be told they shouldn’t expect better.

Is it a big success? No. If I wanted a big success, I wouldn’t be arguing on messageboards. But it was what was right. Just like what I’m arguing now is right. Which is why I’m going to keep arguing for it.

We can feel bad for the Horde and hope for better for them while still acknowledging that the Alliance need way more work than they do.

It’s not a contest. It’s a request. A request that we treat this discussion not as “both sides are bad,” but as “one house is rotting and full of ants” and “one house is literally on fire.”

Both houses are in rough shape. One needs more work.

I think everyone is aware that the Alliance had it worse and has historically had it worse.

That doesn’t erase that the Horde experience has also been pretty uncomfortable and frankly bad for many players on red side, myself included, since Cataclysm. Having a thread acknowledging that doesn’t imply an equality of those experiences, in my opinion. There are plenty of well-written posts throughout the Wyrmrest Accord forums decrying both factions’ writing. I don’t think we have many regular posters who would argue that the Horde has it worse.

There’s nothing wrong with acknowledging that the Horde’s had it bad, too. Doing so doesn’t erase the worse experiences of the Alliance.


So one deserves more attention… would one being deserving of something more than the other, by definition, make it a contest? The way I see it, one faction is ignored, and one is so over saturated the writers don’t even know what they want from it anymore.

Why can’t we all just be on the same side and agree that both factions are in need of attention from the writers?