my alt-z isn’t working so I cant take good screens shots
Check the Keybinds/Hotkeys menu and see if you have it enabled or set to a different key combjnatjon.
Ma’am are you aware that your heads is on fire?
We need a resto shaman!
My alt-z interfered with Nvidia’s stupid overlay so I ended up changing it to control-z.
This was some dark necromancy, Jeyell.
Did… did the WrA forums just get hexed?
Holy crap reviving this thread turned Buliss into a female!
We haven’t had a good necro thread in ages.
Level 120, too. Wow, how long has it been.
Wow this is from the before times, in the long long ago.
“I call upon the ancient lords of the underworld, to bring forth this beast and…
Take the land, that must be taken!
Okay guys, I got the luigi board to get to the bottom of this sudden necromancy. Should we consult a witch or vegan?
I strongly disagree: meat loving witch here, thank you very much!
Oh boy! Oh boy! Oh boy!
Have spent several months here on WrA and I finally get my first necro thread!
This is not something to be wasted on any of my living breathing class alts!
So excited!
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Almost forgot to choose in this excitement. I think we should consult a vegan.
Do you have a wedgie board that we can borrow or do we have to make our own wedgie?
Whichever way you go, I promise not to move the pointer.
Welp, unless someone was cheating, that means the first letter the ouija board was G…
God, Milladee was such a treasure.