My alt needs cosmic flux

just logged into my main who is revered with the enlightened, it isn’t available for purchase atm for me, tough times

Good, now can you PLEASE make Sandworn Relics account bound? I have 1400 that I can’t do anything with on this character.

And for the love of all that is green and good… make them infinitely stack. lol


Anyway we can use this to renew rhis for stygia too?

It sounds silly, but would like to collect mogs and other Korthia stuff for alts. My hunter has had 30k Cosmic Flux just sitting there for a long time now. She’s an engineer and really don’t have much use for it.

Please and Thank you. :blue_heart:


Can you hotfix the classic servers? For some reason the prepatch isn’t out yet.

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I already finished all the 6k korthia mogs but I would like to see this put into the game as well. No sense to have others go through something as annoying as I did. The process of mog farming would have been more enjoyable to parallel farm cause I already had alts in the maw doing tormentors and invasions. Instead all 5 sets were bought on the main cause the DA rep requirement.

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Vilo had to wait for his Pouch shipment to arrive. His new merchandise should be soon available. :blush:


Why did it take a month before season 4 to FINALLY get this feature? This was requested day one…its wayyyyyyy too late. Just being brutally honest. Please consider this earlier next time :expressionless:


They’ve always charged you a conversion fee.

Expansion is almost dead, why hold on to it though.

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My alts have ZM greens, and the maw is painful for them still. My cloth alts are the weakest of all my alts, I just use them to make mogs, bags and RP.

Playing in the maw makes me feel depressed so I don’t go there unless I have too. Losing stygia when you die and can’t find where you die is even more depressing.

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?? Did you reply to the wrong person?

Can we get a general flux sink? I got enough of this stuff to gear 20 characters and there’s nothing you can spend it on after you collect the sets.

Anima doesn’t have a conversion fee :frowning:


No I replied to the right person. Why defend the cost angle just because it has always existed. When it’s clear the expansion and currency relevance will be dead in 20ish weeks?

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because it wouldn’t be an activision blizzard game without hostile game design


could we get Sandworn Relics BOA as well? My main has a ton he can’t use but my alts would love to get the gear


It was a statement of fact. There are conversion fees still in place from previous expansions. It is something Blizzard has always done.

None of those are supportive statements, they’re factual.


Blind dogma acceptance is funny. I am not denying reality only questioning why it has to be that way when said relevance is going away soon.

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Be thankful its here now.

Yeah great, after most of us quit playing :+1: .

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