It actually is. I’ve been using it all season since before the buffs and it’s actually very powerful when combined with dance of chichi. So when standing in jade or having recently stood in it your spinning crane kick damage heals allies = 110% the damage. With dance of chichi it does 400% damage, costs like no mana, and I think it casts faster.
This is so powerful in cleave that dance of chichi can take the place of any healing cool down on your bar. Without building your stats around making crackling jade lightning do a lot of damage, dance of chichi does about the same damage ime in testing. Empowered lightning also coerces you to drink your tea. Now when do you drink your tea? You want to instant cast enveloping for quick ramp into instant/empowered vivify with zen pulse proc or you want to empower expel harm for a fatter heal and 1m absorb shield. forget anything else the tea does in m+, doesn’t matter, useless. Every situation where you need to do that right now you want the tea right now for that purpose. So drinking tea to proc crackling jade is limiting your options more.
In addition to that blizzard doesn’t think it would be good for you to be able to move AND cast crackling jade. In m+ especially in higher keys you’re either gonna zone in trying to find all the windows to do this or inevitably cancel your cast to cast something else or dodge. Dance of chichi procs around 2 times per pull, minumum, for me. Even before they buffed the proc rate it was still very good. Even before they buffed the damage it was still very good.
I’ve done pulls in high cools without using a chichi cd or revival or sheiluns, because i just danced through it. Ever had a ninja pull happen? Like in arak after first boss? When that happens empowered jade will never save that. When that happens and dance procs, you have options. The amount that dance heals in cleave with 3 or more targets is so big that if you could only do that in large trash pulls, you could and probably fine (well still gotta get kicks and stops and stuff.) Most importantly though you can still move while dancing through a pull.
Both are pretty useless or pretty close to useless in single target but if you wanted to could dance. Most bosses have so much area of denial (lava, puddles, breath, etc.) you only never really get an opportunity to stand still and with nothing to cleave the lightning is not really all that better than your regular rotation imo. I’ve timed up to 13 with dance and I have never bought into the idea it was bad. If anything it was already a sleeper for doing massive nightmare pulls on proc and it just got better.
Sometimes I might even tell a tank to pull more cause I got a dance proc, chichi is up, and I’m ready for it. Ever had a situation where you look at your bars and you’re like “shoot what can I even do?” And there’s nothing? Spinning + Dance can be that button. And it does it very well. When the mw blackout kick healing gets nerfed next season I wouldn’t doubt it if this catches on and gets nerfed so that we are just even deeper in the tier list. Cap and reduce our our aoe/cleave damage->healing through put even tho it’s literally the only thing monk does better than other healers. We don’t have a bres, lust, damage reduction, wrath/wings, cheat death, stealth, etc. All we got is an aoe cleanse, RoP, and faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat dps to healing. Blizzard ig wants to worsen that and the multistrike damage on the teaching stacks (and therefore their healing) and instead make it even more rng based dependent on mastery procs which is like a worse mini crit we are pigeonholed into maintaining for chichi windows.