Now we’re significantly worse off than S1…
this class does/did a repugnant amount of damage, and they will still do more damage than every other healer
Only in raids with 1 specific build that sacrifices hps for dps.
So not only do we do less healing than S1, we now do less damage than S1. Lowest utility of all the healer classes used to bring dps as our ‘utility’… Now we have all the downsides of ‘melee healer’ and zero upsides.
Blizzard will never allow Monk to be number 1. We do not have enough players on their dev team to encourage them to keep us good.
Blizzard is out of touch with monk class. My normal m+ healing spec I average about 500k to 600k dps, when comparing to dps averaging 3m+ its just a drop in the bucket for contributing. There is a full MW dps spec I play around with in content that doesn’t challenge me that i can average just slightly over 1m dps. I would never use that build in any really challenging content.
I was happy with being tied for 2nd place. Apparently unless we’re dead last we’re going to get nerfed.
I knew as soon as they buffed JE they were going to dumpster the class to compensate. Instead of rolling back the buffs they’re just going to flat nerf the class into oblivion.
Dang 25% that’s rough.
healer damage in raid is completely irrelevant
in m+ there are logs of mistweavers doing over 1mil overall which is ludicrous, a 25% nerf will still leave them with incredible damage compared to every other healer
why are you comparing it to dps when you should be comparing it to healers, you don’t compare your healing to healing that dps do
mw does far and away the highest damage of any healer aside from disc, it was always going to get nerfed, healers are not supposed to do this much damage lol
That is the MW niche, they dont bring battle rez, they dont have hero/blood lust, they dont bring group wide damage reduction. If they are not the highest healer dps or can out HPS every other healer whats the thing that makes them unique and not a sub par healer from the rest?
Only using meme builds that don’t work in higher keys. Your HPS takes a HUGE hit if u play those high DPS specs.
Let’s compare MW DPS. Running a 12 I do around 500k dps on a GOOD run. Most healers are running 300k. Let’s compare it to MOTW.
with average dps running around 2.5M, and tanks around 1M, that gives around 8.5M DPS * 0.03 (MOTW) = 255k DPS.
So to just match the dps utility (not including the defensive aspects) a MW needs to do around 255k more DPS than a rdruid.
But apparently breaking even’s not allowed…
Massive pvp buffs though, so I’m thrilled.
It’s funny watching disc barely be touched while it’s the meta mythic+ healer by a landslide, in the same way VDH was barely touched despite it also being the landslide meta.
Just normal Blizz being a clown show. But hey, Brewmasters got a 3% buff! Lol
Is this in reference to the 25% damage nerf across the board for Mistweavers?
Great name, “Treasure Hunter.”
guess we’re just ignoring mystic touch
bUt NoBoDy DeAlS pHySiCaL dAmAgE
Not at all. The point is people are looking at the raw numbers and not looking at the bigger picture. DPS is supposed to be a big part of MW utility and part of the reason why they don’t have as much other utility to bring to the table.
Is Ortemis doing 1M DPS in a TOP 17 too much? Sure. But he’s using a very specific build, and stacking it do DPS. Nerf harmony and jade empowerment (the two things enabling that stupid high DPS). But the class as a whole isn’t doing stupid or OP damage. 500-600k is perfectly reasonable for a class that brings DPS as part of it’s kit.
Fix for MW raid dps would be just to reduce rushing wind kick by 40% or more and to change/remove secret infusions.