MW Monk OP in BGs

Whichever team has more mw monks in bg blitz has much higher win rate, their port is too OP on top of their mobility, warlock got similar port but they are way less mobile.


Kill them when theyre trying to cross. Force CDs before they pick and it should be easier to stop them. :saluting_face:


Your Flag was yummy !

But it’s so much easier for people complaining to fight in mid for no reason and let the EFC pick for free.

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Ofc the mission is to kill them asap but they are highly mobile than most specs, when there are 2-3 of them 2 mw plus 1 ww for example. It is impossible to catch them all. Once one of them made it back to base, they will setup port on the roof and it is very difficult to kill.

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I’m just starting my
Monk in rated….disc is way more op. N my
Opinion. Monos are squishy and that’s good! They needed some nerfage

Disc is very good on the healing front, but after 2.2, MW starts to dominate. Be it carrying orbs, transitioning from one cart to the next, or FC work… nothing compares.

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We beat a double mistweaver team yesterday with double disc in warsong gulch. On top of that, one of our healers was quite undergeared.

A lot of times it’s just the human being playing that matters, not the chosen class.

Sometimes it’s the players …but monks have been op for a long time now!

I mean, they had their mobility gutted very quickly. From 6x torpedo to their standard of 2x. They’re much easier to intercept now, especially compared to Pres/Outlaw/VDH.

Teleport is a mechanic that has existed forever, and for multiple classes, and multiple other viable FCs (Pres, Druid, VDH) have Z-axis methods to get to the top floors with shorter cooldowns than port. This is something people are constantly ignoring, perhaps because they’re unaware.

The one that doesn’t, Discipline, is orders of magnitude tankier than MW (or anything else).

My disc is tanky af! I love team fights! Stand in the middle and cast and purge.
I play all the healers and I’m most fond of disc. I’m gonna do holy paladin next soon as I get my
Monk to 1800