Hi! I’m a healer main (druid/disc/holy and now mw). I wanna gear this guy and what love to run M+ and occasional RP.
I would like to know if they are any people that i could join (communities/guild) of good pve / fun rp to play With.
Hi! I’m a healer main (druid/disc/holy and now mw). I wanna gear this guy and what love to run M+ and occasional RP.
I would like to know if they are any people that i could join (communities/guild) of good pve / fun rp to play With.
Hey I would love to talk sometime when you are on. I don’t have a guild but I raid cross realm in a community of friends and we could always use heals. My main focus is mythic+ and we definitely could use a healer to play with and push high keys. A new friend thats a healer is exactly what I need for mythic+ farming so send me a friend request Rodox#11470. Hope to hear from you soon!
Alliance is having an event next Sat. Jan. 5th for people interested in meeting some of the guilds on the server.
Here is the post about the event:
The best place to reach out to the guilds right now is through discord, or looking through some of the posts on the forums. Here is the discord information:
Horde RP Discord:
Alliance RP Discord:
I like the cut of your jib, Sir.
I feel a friend group forming. If you guys have room for someone I’ve always been looking for a group I could do keys and other things with. I know I’m replying to this post pretty late but I hope you see it.
You should join us in Warsong Battalion, we usually run at least one RP event a week, do M+, and run world PVP almost every day. Very active guild and we would love to have you!
Hello Zyzz,
I have a mythic+ discord that is new and growing. It has members of Emerald Dream in it that are looking for more people to run keys with. No key is too small or big! Also we have an area to ask questions about strats and class help!
Please feel free to join us! We would love to have you!