MW changes 11.1

If chi harmony and env mist actually boosted SCK healing I feel like it’d be a different story.

Unfortunately they don’t affect it :frowning:

But also, maybe they should consider just removing the cleave from Jade Empowerment and make it purely single target but slightly less overall DPS than Dance, so there’s a clear tradeoff

Yea the only place i still run DoCj is Mists and even tho the healing is very good for the large trash pulls, the extra single target dps to force phase change of the bosses is equally as important as healing. Depends how i feel and how tank plans to do last pull. If he is pulling all the gorms into the boss to fight at the same time, dance, if not then JE. Dance really clutches that MDI type pull in large part cause the gorms and boss and boss baby ad spawns, prohibit standing still. If tank isn’t doing that then JE to kill boss faster cause single target and need to break his shield to end aoe intermission.