These are all buffs and numbers tuning mostly, you can still talent into 1 min celestial. Check out the talents on the 11.1 calculator and it will make more sense.
Yu’Lon/Chi Ji 's base cooldown is being reduced to 2 min baseline. ( it was 3 mins ) This is good.
Gift of the celestials will now reduce the cooldown of Yu’Lon or Chi’Ji by 1 min. Has the same effect of bringing your celestial to 1 min cd.
Previously with Jade bond you were mostly trying to get your celestial to just under a 2 min cd by fitting in enough gusts of mists. Depending on damage patterns, other healers, and other factors you might have had to overheal to proc more gusts to get to the 2 min mark.
With the 11.1 change you don’t have to worry about whether or not you procc’d enough gust of mists to reduce to 2 mins now. Plus jade bond gets a neat enveloping mist proc post chi cocoons, and a decent buff to yu’lon or Chi’Ji. With Celestials on 2 min base cd this might be a strong talent in m+ imo.
From Blizz:
-Celestial Harmony is being buffed/numbers tuning
-Env Breath from Yu’Lon is getting a buff/numbers tuning
-Chi Cocoon will scale in strength whether it you have Jade bond or Gift but also looks like it is getting a small buff.
-Jade Empowerment, Lotus Infusion, and Yulon’s Whisper ( lol ) get small buffs ( seriously just delete Yu’Lon’s Whisper )
No comment for the heart of jade, seems like a QoL change in that it reduces what you need to track ( their words ) but meh. Kinda wish they would have made the effect trigger/proc off something other than Sheilun’s.