MVPs, spill the beans

You’re the only players who know what the increase of “likes” is from Trust lvl 1 to 2, as you’re all lvl 3 and there is no stated increase of likes from 2 to 3.

SPILL THE BEANS. It’s not a state secret, is it? We’ll all know in 13 more days…

Just tell us.

I wouldn’t worry about it. All good things come in time.

Do you have 359 posts in the past day?

Past two weeks, I believe, is the cut off point. It’s small change, btw. Look around.

edit: [quote=“Primalmatter-stormrage, post:2, topic:21882”]
All good things come in time.

That may be. But, how good is it? I want numbers.

I don’t understand that expression ‘spill the beans’… like why is that good? Spilling beans is bad. It’s a terrible mess and a waste of food. So why do we ask people to do that? Humans are so weird.

I do not understand your question I’m sorry.

All MVPs were given Trust Level 3 when the new forums come up. We didn’t have to do any like farming to get to TL 3

By spilling them out, you can see what kind of bugs, rocks, etc, might be in there. It needs to be done for them to be winnowed.

It has something to do with using beans and voting I think.

How many likes can you give in a 24 hour period? I’m limited to 49 on this toon, at trust level 1.

Have ya checked the secret finding Discord, TC?

I have heard that you need to start by finding the 5 hidden Ghost Crawler Crabs that randomly spawn in threads AND have to be the first person to click them.

On a more serious note, I honestly have no valuable information to offer in this situation :neutral_face: Sorry

Got nothing for this one either.


In WW2 they used to laminate notes and pass important messages through the cans of beans in mess halls to conceal Ally information and ‘spilling the beans’ was the process of retrieving said messages and I have no idea what I’m talking about


Snowfox is thinkin’ 'bout them beans.

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MVPs, have you been given a notice that you can’t give out anymore likes? How many likes have you given out?

Simple questions which can help to answer my question.

edit: typo


Haven’t seen a notice but mind you. I have only given out a small handful of likes.

I have given out a total of 21 likes since the forums have been up. I have not attempted to stress test it though. To be honest, I am kinda stingy with likes :confused:

I should like more posts I guess.


As more people should be.

Make likes matter again and not tossed around like candy.

Well, guess we’re all in the dark as to what Blizz is doing. Not your fault, I’m just frustrated at the lack of clarity.

edit: I just wonder why it isn’t clearly stated. Why?


If I cannot Dislike Posts then I shall LIKE EVERY POST!

And when everyone is special…no one will be

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I have asked in the Tech Support MVP Discord. If I get a response I’ll post back.

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