Mutually Positive Endings

Aethas the leader of the Sunreavers let it happen.

Jaina moved to arrest all of them in an effort to find out all involved and bring them justice. However some decided to revolt and they paid for it in blood.

You made my case for me. The Sunreavers are guilty of their own massacre.
Learn your lore next time you want to debate.


She didn’t attacked them, she tried to put them in a prison to interrogate them, a few of them tried to resist and died.
while the silver covenant take advantage of the situation and chaos.


I didn’t know that interrogating people involved throwing blizzards at cowering civilians…

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They resisted. They died.
All who resisted must have been working for Garrosh.

Otherwise why resist at all?


She had no right. The Sunreavers were as entitled to Dalaran as any of the organizations there.

Aethas proclaimed that Dalaran was the home of his people, too; as Jaina herself had said, many of the Sunreavers had called Dalaran home for over two thousand years. Resolved, Jaina simply stated that she would have to remove them by force.

Like actually nothing else to say.


Because she was throwing blizzards at them trying to kill them? Because the Silver Covenant were feeding people to sharks? Would you surrender to people who were feeding people to sharks?


Maybe Blizz should code their game better.

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They revolted. What did you want Jaina to let herself get killed?
Christ these Horde posters.

They got sent to the violet hold for cooperating.
If they fought they deserved their death because obviously they would have been Garrosh’s agents.
Because why would you resist if you have nothing else to hide?

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They did not revolt. Jaina demanded they leave unjustly, they were simply defending themselves as was their right.

Imagine if the reverse had been true and the Horde had tried to force the Silver Covenant out, I doubt you pretend to be so unbiased then.

Oh the irony.


They did.
The Sunreavers as an organization had members who developed a bomb that destroyed Theramore AND stole the Divine bell.
They could not be trusted so she moved to arrest all of them before they ran away.

Some decided to revolt and attack her instead. They died for it.
Their own stupidity caused their death. Nothing else to say.

If the Alliance had used the Dalaran to wipe out a Horde city and steal artifacts by exploiting trust then yeah. Sure go ahead.
But Horde tends to have very little ground to stand on when it comes to the morality of their actions.


“she had no right”
she was the leader and as the leader can make the decisions.

if the council did’t approved her then she would have been punished for it. she wasn’t.

or maybe, blizzard did it on purpose to make it more horrible to the other side and left it as ambigious as possible so now we can have this kinds of debates, 6 years later.
just like they did with war of thorns, ingame content contradicting with what actually happened all the time.
make no mistake, they did it on purpose.

maybe it was their right, as much as it was the right of the leader of the place to dictate what should happen with their citizens.
They did have the chance to surrender. they didn’t .


Aethas proclaimed that Dalaran was the home of his people, too; as Jaina herself had said, many of the Sunreavers had called Dalaran home for over two thousand years.

So what? Does that absolve them for breaking Dalaran laws?

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People here really justifying a pogram. WTH?


Aethas was the leader of the sunreavers so he was responsible for his people.
one of his people had been guilty of stealing a powerful weapon.
he saw the situation and instead of going to jaina to explain what happened before she finds out
that was what he should have done.

instead, he remain silent,got discovered and his people payed the price.
because one of his sunreavers was the garrosh agent. he should have done something.
hell, even in legion another sunreaver betrayed dalaran AGAIN.

Under orders from Warchief Garrosh, a Sunreaver agent conjured a Sunreaver portal at Domination Point and Fanlyr Silverthorn, along with Horde adventurers, entered the night elven city of Darnassus in order to steal the Divine.

Its almost as if the Sunreavers were accused and condemned for the actions of one. Keep trying.


It seems like every time a Sunreaver is ordered to do something they do it.
It was also a Sunreaver that developed a weapon of mass destruction for Garrosh.

It also seems Aethas the LEADER of the Sunreavers approved the plan by failing to stop it or inform the Kirin Tor of his supposedly rogue agent.

Jaina tried to arrest the Sunreavers to figure out who was guilty. Some weren’t and some were guilty because they tried to attack her for it.
In short. The Sunreavers have no one to blame but Aethas and themselves.

This is what we call CONSEQUENCE for your own actions.

Victim blaming! Typical Alliance bigotry!


I am not blaming the Alliance or Jaina in this.
Don’t worry.