Does anyone know how to silence JUST mechanical mount noise?
Does anyone know how to silence JUST mechanical mount noise?
Depending on which mount you want to mute, Leatrix Plus may interest you.
The Travelers option includes all 3 vendor mounts.
The fact that Ban-Lu has his own check box is hilarious. I might have to get that addon. Looks neat.
I have this addon and never knew this was an option!
I wish it could mute the power word shield noise. That drives me batty.
Trying it out. Thank you!
It has lots of QoL upgrades I enjoy, personally.
You’ll find the settings under /ltp > System > Graphics and Sound > Mute game sounds > cogwheel. Enjoy
I was replying but your post is gone, did you find what you were looking for?
I installed the addon, but my mechanical mounts still make noise.
I’m still pissed they disabled our sound folder.
Ok so that addon works with the other mech. mounts. I should of specified for the Mecha Mogul MK2 mount noise. Thing is annoying lol
Ah, yep, sorry, that one is not listed. I don’t know of any other fix besides just Ctrl + S to disable all game sounds