I’m just starting to get into rp and Im wondering if it a must that I rp as a druid? I love that class and that it is mostly NE focused but lore wise I am more interested in the Elune aspect of the NE. Also I feel as though a lot of the balance spec abilities should really belong to the lore version of NE priests. So would I get any criticism for rp’ing as a priest?
I know of no rule, unspoken or otherwise, that Nelves have to be druids in RP. I personally support seeing cool interpretations of priests and your Priest(ess) of Elune sounds cool to me.
Go nuts!
I only meant if I have to rp as one because that’s my character class.
Anyway, thank you. I think I may try it out as I find the Elune priests more interesting than the druids. Too bad I can’t use that Darkshore cloth set though. That would really look nice.
If you want to roleplay as a Priest, you should at least dress as one. The mooncloth robe is perfect and can be worn by any class. And best of all you just need a tailor to make one for you.
I already have the mooncloth robe and a few other nice cloth pieces that I’ve saved over the years.
That said, there is absolutely no reason that a Druid can’t revere Elune as much as Nature. There’s even some Druid headpiece armor with a crescent moon in it that you can get via Northrend Vendor.
I already have that piece lol.
As Kephyyl said, go nuts.
There seems to be considerable overlap between a Priestess of the Moon, and a Druid of the Moon. And characters are not quite as rigidly bound to class as gameplay forces us to be. See: Tyrande, the bow and glaive wielding High Priestess, and Anduin, the plate wearing, sword wielding priest. Before Demon Hunters were announced as a class, I had a friend that used a Monk to RP a reasonable facsimile of a DH. If you have the transmog to support it, go for it.
You can definitely break in game class to RP something else. There is a mythic set in nighthold that looks like a cross between druidic and priest for druids:
I only have a few pieces of the set. Shoulders and chest I think
A set I threw together based on the moon head piece from WoTLK
Not talking priest anymore, this is my fel based set I have.
Fire Druid (My actual RP transmog set)
Bug Druid
Not even including cloth pieces you can just equip for RP purposes without tmog.
I’ll have to head to the Nighthold to find the armor for talking about. Thank you for the pics too.
I’d like to point out that Elune is the cultural goddess. Druid, priest, trades-people, the little nobody that used to sweep the leaves off the walkways of Darnassus (never saw it, but someone must have): generally speaking of the society, they all revere Her. She is the bounty of nature. Hers is the wisdom written in moon and star light that guide their people. Cenarius taught them the ways of nature and its magic, but He is Her son, Her message and gift to their people and the world.
There is no real separation of The Cult of Elune and the Cults of Cenarius. There have been and are disputes of politics, but essentially they all simply serve the Goddess, and protect Her gifts and Her people in the ways their individual natures are drawn to.
In conclusion, while I will not nay-say how you wish to play/rp, in regards to Elune, there is no need to play one class or another to reflect a devoted servant.
That was an eloquent description of the cultural aspects of the society. You’re correct Elune is the central focus, even if you don’t hear much of it from the druids, and in an off topic point, I hope the heritage story line and armor focuses on Elune and not nature.
There’s a character on my server who RPs as a Priestess of Elune, but her class is a Hunter so she can use a bow (like Tyrande). In RP, you’re certainly not bound by your character’s class. Be what you want.
I’ve used a hunter, a priest, and a druid to roleplay a Priestess of Elune. They all work!
Then I just need to go pick up some extra cloth armor.
You should never really feel confined to just roleplay your class strictly. If you want to play your Paladin (as an example) as simply a Paladin, feel free of course. But you should never be afraid to be creative and use a class simply as a foundation for something else.
My own Kul Tiran druid for example is also not a druid. He’s the remnants of a soul long since cursed and bound to the forests in Drustvar. He has no human form and all of the druid forms he has are made up of whatever dead plants and animals, and even people at times, that he can twist into a form to manifest himself. I even have my eyes on a few pieces of druid raid gear so that his regular Kul Tiran form looks like a burned, gnarled tree and thus he never appears human.
My Draenei shaman isn’t actually a shaman, but a battle mage who prefers more close quarters combat and uses her magic to bolster herself.
I have a Paladin who is actually a Dragonsworn for the Red flight and her healing and smiting abilities are based off of the powers she recieved from that.
So I say feel free to play your toons the way you like and embrace the creativity that can come from that.
The separation is pretty much defacto as Cenarius was an active teacher and leader for millennia while Elune herself is never actually seen save in portents, some small, some freakishly as huge as a giant Dark Moon over Darkshore.
It’s pretty much a given that the Warfront armor will most likely be a better heritage armor than the typical one style goes on everyone that Heritage armros seem to evoke.
Then we are in trouble becuase the leather Warfront armor is horrendous.
Yeah it is… but the cloth and mail armors are fantastic. The Heritage armors are the same for everyone, they look good on at most one class type and suck for everyone else.