Must Have Addon!


This simple addon will completely overhaul your questing experience and is a MUST if you hate reading. Thanks to this addon, I now know why I am actually doing things.

You’re welcome


Bet 100% its unethical AI that scraped from Voice Actors who didn’t get paid nor consent to this.


so true :expressionless: unfortunately there are still some NPCs that don’t speak though. a lot of trolls don’t get a voice for some reason. anyone else notice

and definitely not unique NPCs like verimathras

reading quest text … in #TheCurrentYear ??

actually tho, that Dagoth Ur voice would be pretty k-rad

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I agree. You will laugh at jokes from quests you never read before. Or finally realize that the goblin in burning stepps is sending you to kill her brother

What a grand and intoxicating innocence.


I have had the voice over addon installed for so long I forgot the NPCs did not actually speak out their quests lol

If you don’t have the “VoiceOver” addon get it ASAP

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Unlike the majority of Americans, I can read faster than it takes an AI to voice it out while maintaining full recollection ot what I had read. So I’ll keep doing that.

Thanks though.


Maybe go play outside if you hate reading?

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who cares about all that? it’s fun.


Great addon, just wish I could go to the Stormwind bank without hearing the teller say “this bank has never been robbed in the whole history of the whole history” for the thousandth time.

that’s called gossip, you can turn it off in the addon settings :expressionless:


Cool, thanks.

I use this addon and while the voices are very off sometimes it does bring a lot of life to the quests now that I don’t have to read them.

Alot of quests I’ve never read before and have pretty interesting stories.

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Yep, Or maybe they like it.

Its how 3rd party goes. Lots of people are cool with free use so long as its not done for bad reasons. Like having them misrepresented as something they aren’t.

Mod rules that usually apply are its cool if the mod maker makes no money.

If ™ is applied, you write them. I don’t know of rules on voice actors here. I don’t know if a voice can be TM’d.

I know game models. For fallout and even skyrim quite a few write other games devs as a mod author, and ask to make a mod with their gun or bow in fallouts.

Many cool places will say yes. So long as the mod is free. BLizzard, Bugthesda, etc getting paid is not in the equation. its the mod author, they can make no money.

Many places love mod use. It can be free advertising.

As the mod author to save false reporting will say mass effect devs gave permission and here is there post saying that. The IP now police happy, enjoy the mod.

And who knows, maybe they try that out on steam sale lol. Hence the free advertising.

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What does playing outside have to do with not liking to read?

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Dialogue UI is an excellent addition to this


AKA guys this streamer i watch was using this addon!!! we should all use it because i am just finding out about it 2 years later.

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I don’t usually read quests when I accept them, but I like reading my quest log while I’m travelling from A to B.

Best addon is Twitch Emotes.

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