MUST change mythic item access, must be accessible from keys

the game is being ruined by barriers to entry and rng. we will all forgive you and love playing and gearing our alts if you give us access to mythic loot from keys. just do it. we all want to have 5 max geared toons in however long that takes us.

whatever argument you have against doing this is surely moot and misguided.

i spammed the suggestion to create classic era realms and blizzard made millions. there was a blue reply saying they werent going to do it. cool.

you guys need to do this. i would apply if microsoft hadnt purposely tuned down the servers and movement speed server to client ping speed, thats disgusting

nothing like having a disengage flip send me straight into the other 3’s team because the servers are slower than they were 10 years ago. man, its not that ‘you’ guys are something, it’s whoever is pushing these changes and whoever is approving them and everyone else who is not speaking out against it. the QA in this game has obviously gone to crap.

i currently feel strongly that you must reduce the barriers to entry to this game, World of Warcraft, in this upcoming patch, or face a relatively slow but sure exodus and attrition and

if i need to say more, then blizzard and microsoft deserve what is to come.

also, i hoped my kids would inherit my account and be able to play the best game in the world.

This game does not give the same hopes and dreams that the previous versions did with their magic.

Removing the QA, reducing it to stupid low levels, effectively ensures that the lack of innovation with the game will be appropriately overshadowed by the crappy QA.


I think m+ should have keys and maps like delves. Maybe a soft cap of {week number} maps and {week number * 4} keys, so you could theoretically get caught up if you start late. You can only open the end box out of X number of dungeons every week (based on maybe charges on the keystone). Map gives you an extra box with a higher rank item.

Now m+ loot isn’t infinite AND you’re not solely reliant on the vault for good loot. Obviously if you can, you want to save your maps for +10’s.

Also, like triple the crest drops and remove valor stones entirely.

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Doesn’t want to actually discuss anything, just report and move on folks.