<Murloc with a Glock> - New AotC guild LFM Fri/Sat 7:30-10pm CST

<Murloc with a Glock> is a new AotC-in-the-streets, achievement-hunters-in-the-sheets guild recruiting for the best vibes.

We are building a community of people that enjoy World of Warcraft and progressing the raid seriously without the stress.

Feel free to message us still even if you fit the vibe but not the raid schedule!

If you’re ready to join (because of my excellent pitch), apply here:
forms .gle/MuKYYW8YZG97JUqH7 (remove space after forms)

:earth_americas:Realm - Thrall, but we’re building up for the War Within expansion where cross-realm is fully embraced! You can join our community if you don’t want to be on Thrall for now and still be invited to events or find groups.

:alarm_clock:Raid Times

Friday: 7:30 - 10 pm Central / 5:30 - 8 Pacific / 8:30 - 11 Eastern

Saturday: 7:30 - 10 pm Central / 5:30 - 8 Pacific / 8:30 - 11 Eastern

Optional third nights for casual fun or alts.

And More

  • Guild M+ Night (weekly)
  • Raid/Dungeon Achievement Runs (current and old content)
  • Collectible / Other Events for Funsies (mounts, pets, transmog, trivia night, etc.)

Here’s why you should choose us:

  • If you’re a new player, we’re a great group to learn why WoW is awesome and develop your skills with your class

  • If you’re a returning player, we offer a no-stress environment to experience (and succeed in) any type of content

  • If you’re a current player, know that we are committed to progression. We are leading with a lot of raid experience behind us. It’s no fun to know that your own efforts are wasted, so we aim to push ourselves to meet and exceed our goals each patch.

If you have any questions, get in contact with our guild master -

Discord: mwgastro

Bnet: Astro#18157