Who wants the mighty murlocs to join ther allianice?
No more ugly races. Sexy ogres pls.
- ) Playable Ogres are bound to be Horde.
- ) The Unshackled have Murlocs amongst them, so there is more lore backing playable Murlocs being Horde over being Alliance.
- ) In compromise I won’t complain should Saberon go Alliance.
Hmm. I think they should go horde since there is some murlocs in the unshackled they are in hanging out in durotar.
Send them Horde, make the Horde evil, and send other new monsters race there also.
Murlocs for horde, Jinyu for alliance (evolved murlocs)
would you create a murloc character if they make them playable
Absolutely. Them and Naga are like my most wanted race.
I’d roll a Murloc or Naga Shaman
Once I would have said no way, but after using my little gnome rogue to steal a murloc appearance and see just how magic their dance moves are, I’m all in favour. Best dance moves in the game, bar none.
isn’t that 1 guy who is like the leader of a murloc clan or w.e. who wears the murloc suit a human? don’t remember his name but he is in legion i know. idk if he ever took off his suit though but i could swear by his/her chat text it seems something like what i’d picture a human saying in the game.
He’s a Night Elf but he’s more about the protection and safety about Murlocs in their environment over anything else. So for me it’s not a faction thing but an individual. Where as the Unshackled worked directly with the Horde and its possible bonds forged in battle were made between the Murloc members and Horde forces.
Though if Blizzard decided to make playable Murlocs Alliance that dude could be the route they take.
No, just no. Saberon sure, if Horde get Mok’nathal.
The Horde has never been evil! There’s just been some evil deeds done by some of the characters. Makes the Horde complicated
Only if their racial is to summon a swarm of Murlocs.
Because a lone Murloc is a joke, but a swarm of them is a problem.
would you want a swarm of murlocs on you
Yes i would like to have that in my collection
I keep thinking about this lately. I think it would be awesome to have playable Murlocs! Mrgrgrggrglrlrllrlrl!
Seeing how much they go after both factions when we get in the way, should be a neutral race.