Murder of Crows CD not resetting

Anyone else notice MOC CD is not resetting when an enemy dies? I have been running multiple hunters through the Crown Chem Co and without fail every single time I use MOC and the target dies and it is still active, the CD does not reset… Is there something I can do to fix this?

To test it on non event boss thing first.

Yes, you can fix it by picking the better talent thrill of the hunt (BM) or master marksman (MM) for dungeons and raids. Icy veins says don’t use murder of crows for either spec.

If the fight is only about 15 seconds, or it has such a design that you can get multiple almost-complete crows back to back (if the Crown Cemical Co worked properly it would actually be great for this) Crows can absolutely be a good choice. Thrill of the Hunt and Master Marksman are better over a long raid boss or AoE but that doesn’t mean there aren’t circumstances where Crows can compete. There are a few times in this expansion I’ve specced into Stampede, for instance, even when it’s typically far behind Stomp, just because the burst AoE was really valuable for the fight we were working on.

To the OP: Sometimes Blizzard implements a boss/mob in such a way that it doesn’t technically “die” when it reaches 0 health so it just despawns without resetting Crows. I guess Crown Chemical Co. is one of those.


Like Bepples said, some enemies don’t “die”, but despawn instead. I’m not familiar with Crown Chem Co specifically, but this happens a lot with the type of enemies that transform or mount a robot, since the transformed/mounted enemy transforms back into a corpse which is technically a different unit, instead of dying.

I noticed it, too, not just in Crown Chemical. I’ve used MoC forever and love it.

In fact, I’ve noticed it on 2 different hunters.

If I recall correctly, the tooltip says that this reset effect can only occur once every 60 seconds.

No, it just has a 1 min cd but that cd is supposed to reset if the target dies within, I believe it is… the first 10 seconds or so… and it’s not

Hm, I must be thinking of an older version then.

Yeah…one minute reset with the reset happening if the target who yields exp or honor dies in the 15 second active spell window.
Assuming the target gives honor or exp, something seems bugged