What are your plans for Classic? What server/faction you goin with?
Gnomedog, whats up man? You find anyone else from the old guild?
I’d love to get back in touch with Ringleader just to talk about the old days. Any chance we could add eachother on Bnet or somewhere else?
I wish I had known these forums were a thing! I haven’t been on Muradin since like 2009/2010 but oh my gosh.
Sup Astra! Its ya boi Thelic. Playing on Herod if you’re going to play PvP this time around
Some serious nostalgia in this thread, originally played mage here (dustinw) Changed off that retarded name at some point.
Aerath (human warrior)
Belthasar (Human DK)
Guilds: Started with outcast, then Cardboard Tube Samurai, gets murky after that. I know I was in shadowraven for some time around black temple. Raided with some daytime people for quite some time after that, Anoria, Theytaker, Betty, plenty of names that ring a bell in this thread. I stopped doing end game on a serious level right after H wotlk. If I remember right, I was in Unorthodox for the longest time of anywhere here.
Shadowblazes/Shadowderp was in CTS for a little while on alliance with Divinesashi then a few other guilds. Remember quite a few of your names!
Currently on Rattlegore - horde Tricky#1141
I played Lenark Human Paladin Vanilla and BC
I forgot what guilds I was in. Jubilance and FINAO sound familiar.
My Bnet is Mezilok #1915
Punch - Gnome Mage
I’ve been in a ton of guilds over the years on Muradin.
Looking for any old friends!
Heliosphan #1830 is my battle tag
Yeah! I remember ^^ I went to Intemptesta Nox as well I still see some of the old raid team on battle .net from time to time, most of em have been offline long enough though I’ve probably removed em. I think I may have one alt in UA still, but most of my toons are on Uther / Stormrage / Proudmoore these days
isanecho#1593 , add me if you’d like
Oh my lord! That’s a name I haven’t seen in AGES! How’ve you been??
Right now im on Atiesh with my family playin… though I’ll keep that in mind for PVP!
i replied to Alimonius with my battle .net feel free to add me
DAE!!! Bungis here!
Krajux, Nelf Hunter (Evolved/Evo on Arygos), Guild Valhalla
I was orig GM of Caffeinated. I was Ashaman. Loving classic brings back good memories .
Berengier - Guild is QUX
Looking for The Brothers Riggs
And I was the one that would run at the shiny things
Looking for anyone who was in the (Alliance) guild moxie.
its been 10 years and an account hack, but im back and looking to catch up.
my charictar name\class: Dtrek; Druid.
Remember Lenark from finao!
Deigratia, male Draenei shadow priest/holy priest
From Muradin server BC/Wrath mainly was a progression raider and a bg player
Vaosan or any WWYOG, if you’re out there… I still salute you for all the pvp fun
Ereneris here!