Multiple Warlock healthstone bugs - day 12

  1. Basic green healhstones don’t start their cooldown after one use. Need to log out and back in to get it working, but again, one use only and need another log out. Makes them single use for all practical purposes in instanced group content. And no, deleting it and creating a new healthstone does not fix this.

  2. The new red Demonic Healthstones disappear from bag on zoning or just randomly in zone. Additionaly they do not persist for a couple of minutes when you log out like the green ones do.

  3. Soulburn is not empowering healthstones.

This is probably not as important as fixing the Gracus frog side quest you quickly fixed (/s) but c’mon, at least acknowledge that you’e aware of the bug.


work around for now:

summon your own healthstone.
dont pickup other lock’s stones. if you do, delete it and summon your own.

That’s not a workaround. It happens with my own HS not someone else’s.


Here to say that I’m having the same issues with Healthstones I get from Soul Wells AND the ones I make myself.


I’m having the same issue

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Bumping in hopes of blue response. My warlicks are having the same healthstone issues.

I’m having the same issue with the Demonic Healthstone. Just disappears after a few minutes, or immediately if I go through a portal. I tried to submit a ticket about it but they said I had to come here and do a bug report.