Okay, I know about the transmorg but from what I have seen you can only do one outfit at a time. I tend to like to change my outfits depending on where I am but hate to always have to go to Stormwind, etc just to switch to a new one. Is there a way to have multiple outfits and then switch on the fly without traveling to SW. I am used to SWTOR outfits where I can have multiple outfits and just click on my character and chose the outfit I want.
Dish out 120k for the Yak.
If it helps, you can get random cheap greens from the AH and transmog them to whatever you’d like. You can make each outfit a different armor set and put them on your action bar for easy access! I don’t think there is a way to make the same gear take on different forms without talking to a transmographier, however.
If you don’t feel like shelling out for the yak there’s an engineering consumable that allows transmog anywhere.
Only thing I can think of is the 120k transmog mount.
Okay that sound good, not that expensive really but where do I get it from?
It’s the Grand Expedition Yak mount! It has a transmog NPC on it. I believe you buy it in Dalaran, but you may want to fact check me on that.
It’s sold in Kun Lai Summit by Uncle Bigpocket
Depending on what you want OP this might be your best option.
If you are just swapping between a casual set of clothes while you are in town and your battle gear when out killing stuff then having two sets you can swap using the wardrobe system in the character panel is the easy and cheapest way to do it.
If you are changing looks more often and want to get into combat with more than one look then the Yak is your best option. It can get pricy though paying to transmog every time you want a new look.