Multiple named toons

Would someone explain what it might mean when I see 13 toons with names like: Aæaq, Aæbq, Aæcq and so on to Aænq, all of which are level 1 warriors in Teldrassil?

I just posted this in another thread :stuck_out_tongue:

Saw them last night.

Same thing, then. I’m on Pagle. Thank you for this response.

I will get the video posted. Report what you can and let’s see if we can get some action.

I couldn’t find them but someone said he saw them at the graveyard being killed by a level 5 troll. Another person reported the toon that was leading the others, but someone must have noticed the chat and they all logged off.

They’re probably expanding the PvP pool to increase the number of bracket spots.


Leave my bots alone.

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Blizzard will do absolutely nothing about them.

Okay, my bad. I forgot you’ve been telling us all along about the botpocalypse. : )

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It is 2021. There should no longer botism in a progressive society.

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Well, I managed to report one of the nelfs and the troll. Although probably nothing will be done (or if it is they will probably just move to another location) but I gave it my best shot. I assume the purpose of these bots is to get honor for the nelf warriors in a cheap and easy way. I was a little surprised that I could attack the troll without flagging myself first.

Reporting is good, though nothing is going to happen if Warden doesn’t detect forbidden software.

They still use Warden? I didn’t think they did after the uproar.

This is Bracket boosting, whether it is a bot or actually manually controlled, that is up to you to decide, or GM’s I suppose lol :slight_smile:

Back in the day on some servers there were actual requirements to do this if you were in the higher (10-14 ) brackets of your pool. The person is technically breaking the rules (honor swapping/collusion), but I don’t think they actually enforce this, but I could be wrong.

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I am starting to form the scenario in my head more clearly. And yea, its against the rules, but I think if this is something that has been going under the table that it’s one of those bigger fish things.

I mean, if I am an honest, as much as I don’t like it, I would rather have a GM deal with the gold and material farming bots than this until the gold bots are under control.

So, I get it. Still don’t like it. . But I get it.

Thanks for the edumication guys! :slight_smile:

I don’t know what they call it. They have anticheat programs running constantly.

I guess they work well, for a certain value of cheat.

It’s ok, they pay for the game like anyone else. Just different strokes for different folks!

I’m going to let you guys in on a ranking thing.

What you are describing is a pool booster. Someone with many accounts paid IRL cash to boost the amount of people in a servers PvP pool. This makes more “spots” in each bracket allowing more people to achieve higher ranks faster (your team).

They are “unstucking” at a certain point to release at the next towns GY where the opposite faction players are waiting to kill them on repeat because as long as you get 15(?) Hks in the current week you are added to the “pool”. People used to call them pool parties and were prepared to do this ACROSS servers to boost each others pools when blizzard announced they were breaking it by not counting deleted charaters in the pool.

See the kicker to this is you delete the character after 15 kills but it stays added to the “pool” and you jsut keep creating more characters.

It’s hilarious the phase 6 end of game people trying to get thier pvp titles for TBC lmao.

Edit: one last thing for the context of how bad blizz let this stuff go. At one point there were more deleted characters added to my servers horde PvP pool…than the entire servers active raiding population accorrding to Ironforge pro at the time.

That was between 7-8k of level 1 deleted characters paid for WEEKLY by people trying to get thier rank. Coordinated by maybe a couple dozen people.

I wish actaul people played this game. You guys are all bots.

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