Multiple CE Hunter LF Raid Team

I have been raiding at a CE level since WOTLK and have done it on different toons but mainly as a hunter. I’m a solid player, and I believe that I would be a great addition to any team. Able to put in the work required to maintain myself on multiple characters if the right offer comes a long.

Raid Times - Looking for anything between 8-12pm EST.

If you would like to speak with me further you can reply to this post or add me on bnet or discord.

BNET - Gudds#1416
Discord - Gudds#3932

Hi Gudds! I think we’d be a great fit. Take a look and let us know. Happy to chat more!

Hey Gudds!

“Libertas” is an Alliance Mythic Raiding guild on Stormrage-US. We’re currently 4/10m and are looking to recruit some more hunters for our mythic team.

We raid Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9pm - 12am EST.

Established in 2010, we’ve prided ourselves on maintaining a drama-free, fair and respectful raid environment. We’ve pushed hardmodes/mythic content ever since and are working to earn CE each tier.

If this sounds like something that suits you, then I encourage you to submit an application through our website @ and our GM will get in touch with you to see if it’s a good fit.

Thank you and best of luck in your guild search.


Hey there! Always need competent hunters in a guild, but here at ChaosTheory we have three raid teams and all of them would be open to a hunter.
Team 1 - 3/10M
team 2 -9/10H
team 3 - 8/10H (Downed Generals, Going back to Council)

Heres my word vomit
ChaosTheory [A] US-Stormrage
We are a community guild with three raid teams. We are a group of players looking to achieve cutting edge and Ahead of the Curve in Castle Nathria, and Keystone Master achievement. Many of us have raided for a number of years and are looking to push our achievements this tier. While our group understands that real life is more important than WoW, we take progression seriously and we want to have fun doing it. We expect everyone on the Mythic roster to show up prepared, geared, and ready to progress.

What we expect from you

Mythic Raiders will have higher expectations and stricter requirements. Heroic raiders, Those currently not on a raid team and the players that only want to push mythic+ keystones should have the same mindset as our mythic raiders.


We aim to cultivate a tight-knit atmosphere and a fun culture. The two biggest barriers to this are a lack of preparation and being toxic. Neither will be accepted. We won’t tolerate any form of hate speech, sexism, harassment, bigotry, in-fighting, gossip, or any other form of toxic behavior.


We expect every mythic raider to be proactive, showing up with an expert knowledge of their class and a deep knowledge of the fights. Review logs. Plan your cooldowns. Talk with fellow raiders to ensure success. Ask questions. Watch/read guides. You know the drill.


We expect every mythic raider to be an above-average player. This means being an expert in your class and improving on every pull. If you consistently underperform you will be subbed out. We want to help everyone improve but we can’t help if you don’t help yourself.


Again, real life is more important than WoW. You will not lose your spot for missing a week here or there. However, you MUST tell the raid lead and the raid team in advance. No-shows with no communication will not be tolerated.

Raid Team 1: Ring of Peace
Raid Times: Saturday & Sunday 9am-12pm EST
Currently 10/10H, 3/10M Mythic Nathria. Their raid leader is experienced and organized. This team has high expectations of their raiders as they continue to down bosses in Mythic, and anyone joining must be ready to progress in mythic with them as their current class.
They are seeking likeminded players and will be open to accept exceptional players.
Please have logs available that can show you utilize Healthstones, health pots, defensives, and are not dying to repeatedly to avoidable mechanics. The logs must show you have extensive knowledge of your class.

Raid Team 2: Geared By BoE’s recently renamed
Raid Times: Thursday & Friday 7pm-11pm EST
Currently 9/10H, Recently downing Generals and pushing into denathrius with plans to progress into mythic.
Team 2 is currently looking for all slots except tanks. Especially looking for- DK’s, warrior, Ranged DPS

Raid Team 3: Fri/Sat 8pm-11pm Recently merged with a smaller team, Currently seeking an Experienced Raid Lead.
This team is currently 8/10H, Downed Generals and are returning to down Council before continuing to Denathrius.
Both tank slots are currently filled, looking for another healer and Ranged/Melee DPS.

The guild itself has Monday Heroics to supplement the mythic raiders, and is a great opportunity to gear alts and practice rotations and mechanics.
Specifically looking for Exceptional M+ Keystone pushers. If raid is not your scene but you enjoy players that have progression in mind, this might be the spot for you.

Please message SollySolly-Stormrage in game or Solemn#8227 on Discord for an interview set up and let me know what team(s) you’re interested in.
Come join our community! We want to create a community of likeminded progression focused players! Thank you for your time.

HotTub WoW Machine is seeking exceptional players to join our ranks and push for CE in Shadowlands. We pride ourselves on offering a high level of play with a friendly, fun, collaborative atmosphere.

We’ve cleared 6/10M and still wish to optimize our comp for the much harder bosses ahead. Please be prepared to xfer to our server Thrall for a trial, as we run heroic sparingly.

Us: A group of players who have been raiding together since Vanilla on a semi-hardcore level. We have raided every expansion, achieving AOTC and some mythic progress, now looking to level up and finish out the tier with CE.

You: A resourceful player who understands how to research their own class, stay on top of in-game progression systems, and can communicate effectively with other members of the guild. You should probably have some mythic raiding experience in either Legion or BFA, and a high Mythic+ RaiderIO score. Most importantly, you should understand the level of effort required for cutting edge and be excited to work towards this goal with the guild.

What we can offer our raiders:

  • Flasks and Feasts provided by the guild
  • Experienced guild leadership, knowledgeable about all aspects of running a successful guild and in-game challenges. We’ve been doing this for a while, to say the least.
  • Strong leadership for raid boss prep and execution on raid night.
  • Growing guild bank funds to assist our members with consumables, BoEs, and crafting mats. We have officers who will focus solely on increasing our economic position to give us a competitive advantage when it comes to buying power with gold.
  • Friendly and mature leadership who understand that playing the game at a high level does not mean yelling or bullying. We will work with you to solve any game related or interpersonal issues that may come up.
  • A fun community to hangout and play other games with

Raid Times: Tues/Thurs 8:30-11:30 ET. Sunday is an optional 3rd day we may use to push content when deemed important.

Recruiting: We’re always looking for exceptional players in any role at all times. That being said we have a high priority on the following classes:

*Boomkin Druid
*Resto Druid

Contact: If anything in this post stood out we would love to hear from you! You can send me a DM here on reddit, or find us on discord:

*naysayer#5570 (discord)
*naysayer#2652 (bnet)