Multiple bugs - weirdness mounting

I’ve been experiencing weird bugs when mounting on my paladin for the last hour or so. Have tried reloading and exiting WoW completely but they didn’t help. Have been doing WQs and the invasion in Vuldun and a lot of the time I’m stuck in combat and unable to mount. Doesn’t go away even after running for five minutes or more. Then it’ll randomly drop off and I can mount again.

At which point bug 2 kicks in. The mount is invisible. It looks like I’m running around really fast and I can see the mount icon in my buff bar.

Which leads to bug 3. While “mounted” like this I can’t click stuff to interact with it. Normally if you’re mounted and you click a chest it’ll auto-dismount but not while stuck with this “invisible mount”. Through trial and error I discovered trying to remount removes the mount. So I can interact again.

And onto bug 4, doing the “hills have spies” invasion quest the rocket pack only gives me the initial “launch” into the air, it no longer gives me the second mid-air use where I can fly to a location. Making the pack useless and the quest bloody difficult to complete.

edit: Oh and it’s not possible to click off the rocket pack buff so it’s not possible to “drop it” and pick it up again.